Chapter 7

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~Reem's POV~

It felt good to talk to someone about what happened. Jai heard everything I said without interrupting me and just kept nodding his head. Now I feel fresh and optimistic again, so I need some fresh air. "Jai, I am gonna go to the hospital's garden" I informed him. "I'll come with you" he replied and stood up. "No-no, I will go by myself" I replied. "That wasn't a question" he snapped.

I flinched at his sudden anger. Why is he suddenly so solemn and angry; he was always the sweet-talker who had a million-dollar smile. He might be in a bad mood, so I shook it off. I put my feet on the ground, and I felt a zap in my bare feet. I closed my eyes and squeezed the mattress of the bed while I hissed in pain.

Suddenly Jai pulled my legs up and carried me to the garden in his arms while I watched his every move. He slowly placed me on the ground, my feet feeling the softness of the grass. I was surprised that there were no more zaps. I walked around the garden observing every insect and plant, and Jai had seated himself on a wooden bench.

I walked in a circle and passed Jai when a hand pulled me back; it was Jai's. I fell on his lap, his hands traveled around my waist to my stomach, and then hugged it tightly like I was going to leave him. I gasp in shock and freeze. "Jai..." I call his name softly and continue, "What happened?" I ask softly. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." he sobs, digging his head in my nape. Is he saying sorry for snapping at me that time?

"'s ok, I understand you must have been in a bad mood" I stated. Jai mumbles something in my nape, but I don't understand it. "Uh...I didn't get you" I say, trying to decode what he said. I then feel warm air touch my earlobe, "I.Love.You" he confesses in a husky voice, pausing between each word. I inhale a hefty amount of air and freeze, slowly letting out air unconsciously. It feels like a dream come true, and my heart is racing. I open my mouth to answer, but I am not able to voice it out.

I turn my head to him, turning my position for comfort, and hug him. "Will you ever leave me?" he asks. "Never!" I exclaim. I pull away and look at him, my hands thrown over his shoulder, and his hands rested on my waist. "What if I have hidden something from you?" he questions me. "Tell me all about it now" I grinned, "Wait, you have hidden something from me?" I added. He nodded, "Yes, many things..." and trailed off. "Like?" I asked out of curiosity. "Like...I am not a human" he joked raising his eyebrows and smirked. "Very funny!" I said sarcastically and playfully hit his chest. He reacted with fake pain, and we laughed.


~Jannat's POV~

I can't hear any more of Avni's plans; they are too detailed and never-ending. "Avni, please stop...we can plan about it with Aru and Reem later" I pleaded. "Fine!" she replies, rolling her eyes. I understand that she is excited, else she won't talk this much. 'Now...where are Reem and Jai?' I wonder. "Do you know where Jai and Reem went?" I asked everyone present in the room. "The hospital's garden" answered Faisal. "Oh ok, I'll be back" I inform them and stood up.

I make my way to the hospital's garden by asking directions from people passing by. Then I reach at last after wandering around. When I move further in, I see a couple making out in the corner; I couldn't see their faces. I turn around and process what I had just set eyes on when I suddenly hit on something hard. I look up, thinking I hit a wall, but it was Faisal. 

"Oh sorry, did you find them?" he asked curiously. "It's ok, I only found a couple making out", I said awkwardly. "Woah!" he exclaimed. He moved past me into the garden, and after a few seconds, he came back with his hand covering his eyes. "What happened?" I asked curiously. "That couple you saw is Jai and Reem", he giggled. "W-what!" I whisper yelled trying to digest what he had just said.

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