Chapter 10

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A/N : Hi guys!! Thanks for the support. Do recommend the story to your watty friends too!! And I advise on the cover, so please comment about it. Enjoy the story!

~Reem's POV~

Recap:-  I open the door slightly and peek, but I see no one so I go out. I close the door when a hand slams the door from both my sides. I shut my eyes in panic and squeeze the edge of the robe tightly with fear. I keep it close for a while in fear, looking down and biting my lips. Many scenarios running through my mind. But nothing happens so I open only one eye and look up hesitantly. I saw..........

Jai!! What the heck is he doing. I yell at him "Jai!" with frustration, he didn't have to scare me like this in mid-night. He then shushes me with his index finger on his lips, a smirk curved up in his lips and he gets closer to me like I'm his prey. I look up at him with my attitude face and rest my hand on my hips "Why are you here? That too at this time!" I ask recovering from my panic. His eyes switch from my eyes to my lips and back, I want to give in so badly but I need answers now.

 I move back and his face changes into an intimidating look. Now I am scared but I still keep my stand ignoring his looks. I give him an answer-me-now look. He encircles his arms around my waist, pulls me closer to him and snuggles into my neck. I then feel his grip on me tighten and a few almost inaudible deep growls. They sounded inhuman and I heard them as it was very very close to my ear. I pushed Jai back slightly so I could see him. The sight in front of me made my fear burst like a volcano which had been inactive.

~Jann's POV~

I didn't feel like sleeping at all. For which I was hearing some melodious songs with my ear phones on, so that I dont disturb Avni. I had only worn one side as I don't like to block my ears. I walked to the balcony while hearing songs and heard muffled voices from Reem's room. Her room is under mine. I took off the earphones and leaned closer to listen. I still couldn't hear anything clear, I wanted to check on her so I tip-toed out of my room. I went down the stairs quietly and stood in front of Reem's room. 

I opened the door slowly and saw a figure standing in front of Reem facing her, I was facing the back of the figure. Reem's eyes travelled towards me, she then ran towards me and hugged sobbing. I am confused now. Then I saw the figure turning towards me, it is Jai! Wait what? "Reem what happened?" I asked worried and caressing her back. She continued sobbing so I looked at Jai and his face was washed with guilt, sadness and fear. "Can you please explain what's happening here?" I asked him softly.

"Jann...w-we need to....c-call the others" he stuttered. I feel that there is a lot of things we are gonna discover and its not gonna be easy to take in those discoveries. I nod my head positively and made Reem sit on the couch in the hall. I woke up all the girls and brought them to the hall. When we reached the hall I saw all the guys with fear washed over their faces.

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