Chapter 11

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A/N: Greetings, dear readers! I want to thank simfanfic for the kindly recommending my book in her post. This stimulated my views, my votes and my support. She wrote a lot of impressive fanfics and I wish they would keep going - my point here is CHECK THEM OUT! Although she is a celebrity, as she has a lot of followers, she always gives importance to every person and especially to amateur writers like myself who need help. I really appreciate it and continue to do so in the future too!

A lot of love for those who have read this patiently and THANK YOU!


~Author's POV~

Everybody was present, but all were silent. And then Aru breaks the silence, "Why did you wake us up in mid-night and stay silent?" she yelled in anger as she was sleepy. Avu also joined her "if no one is gonna talk, then I and Aru are gonna sleep!". "You" Reem said, pointing at Jai and then continues "answer them right now" she demanded. All the girls turned their head towards Jai and glared at him. The boys felt sorry for Jai. 

~Jai's POV~

Oh shit! I knew I should have controlled myself, but I couldn't and, now the boys and I are stuck. I didn't want her to know the truth so soon as I knew she would get scared. I am a monster and will always be. For my selfishness, I didn't want her to leave me so I hid it...I knew I can't hide it for long but still. Now I broke her heart, she is scared of me, her love for me is blinded by fear and all because of my selfishness. I broke her trust, I made her cry... I made her fear me. When she pointed at me and demanded me to answer I burst with anger. I am a monster and my short-temper doesn't make that any better.

"FINE! I'll answer" I yelled. I looked at the boys and gave them an eye signal that I was gonna reveal everything we hid for years - our deepest secrets, dark secrets, the beast in us, the monsters inside, our real identity, the real us. "We are not humans" I told honestly, preparing myself for all the questions and reactions I will receive. "What!" Aru yelled and continued "You woke us up in mid sleep to tell us a joke that you are not human! Anyways who all here are not human?". "All of us" Sid roared gesturing all us guys. "Sid even you joined this joke?" Avni glared at Sid.

"YA true, you guys aren't humans you are aliens! What nonsense!" Jann said expressed angrily. I knew if we need to let the real us out and prove the girls. But before that we will have to calm them down. I looked at the guys and Lucky was giving the 'we-should-show-them' eyes and was nodding slightly. As soon as I saw that I knew this was gonna be hard.

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