Chapter 27

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"S-so you w-will leave me a-again? Is that what you are saying?" her tears trickle down her angelic face staining her now rosy cheeks. She was supressing her tears but failed miserably. I kiss her forehead and comfort her. I couldn't reply to her questions. "I won't leave you again....let them try their luck" I wipe her tears and smirk to myself. I will kill whoever tries to separate me from Aru.


~Aru's POV~

It's been a few weeks since graduation and I am deciding which university to take. I got accepted for good universities but it is hard to choose for me. And these days I feel very different.

Today I feel so moody. I have plastered a fake smile on my face so they don't worry, but Alu being Alu and my dear mate understood something was wrong with me. He's been trying since morning to ask me about it but I have been ignoring him, as I myself have no idea why I'm this way today. I'm also not in my 'time of the month', in fact not even close!

I feel slight pain in the lower abdomen but it happens at times. I am also very hungry, more than usual that is. And standing next to a hot pot of cooking noodles isn't exactly helping. The aroma of it makes me want to eat it right away but it isn't cooked yet! I tap my legs restless waiting for it to cook, and suddenly feel hands circle my waist. 

I feel the warm air on my neck and my breath hitches, I recognize the person instantly; it's none other than my mate. "I love my effect on you, " he whispers in my ears and a blush creeps up to my cheeks. I bite my lips, hoping he doesn't notice the blush and tease me more. He chuckles and I understood that he noticed my blush. He then presses his hand closer to my stomach, tightening his grip. It is something he usually does and I got used to it so I don't react to it.

He then pulls his hands away and walks out of the kitchen. I instantly miss his cool warmth and a feeling of safe and comfort. But I ignore it and focus back on my cooking spicy noodles. 


It is almost midnight and Arhaan hasn't come home. I asked the guys and they said that he went out in the evening. And he isn't back still! It is almost mid-night! Everyone tried convincing me that he will be alright and that if someone was planning on attacking him, they would be in danger and not him. But nothing convinced me, I felt something wrong was happening and couldn't help but worry.

So they guys tried mind-linking but didn't get through, they tried calling him through phone but it didn't connect. This just made me worry even more. I tried mind-linking too but I didn't get through. And then suddenly I got a call, if it was Arhaan he would mind-link me not use a phone and I was not interested in talking with anyone until I knew he was safe, so I threw the phone on the sofa still sobbing.

Reem walked to the phone and looked at it, her eyes grew wide and she yelled "Aru!!". I looked at her with bloodshot red eyes waiting for her to tell me something.

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