Chapter 8

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A/N: Thank you all for voting for my story. I don't keep goals as I am writing only to pen my imagination or, in this case, 'text my imagination'. I have uploaded a song above, do check that out. I will be using that song in this chapter. That's it, enjoy the chapter.

~Avni's POV~

Great! Even Fais went behind her. Now it's just this silent Sid and me. I assume I just have to start some topic if I don't wanna die of boredom. "I think Reem and Jai look cute together", I genuinely state while fiddling with my fingers in boredom. "Ya they do look good together", he agrees. "Jai is lucky to have Reem" I say and he counters, "Jai deserves Reem, in fact she is lucky too to have him". 

Defenitely not! Jai is a devil in disguise. He smiles and every doubt on him is cleared. On the other hand Reem is a angel. It is true that opposites attract, Jai and Reem look cute together too but you can't deny the fact that this devil is lucky to have an angel. He has short temper and when he is angry its hard to control him. You never know what is running behind that innocent smile of his.

"Jai is a devil in disguise, I know him as I am his sister" I reasoned. "Yes Jai is a devil in a disguise, I know that too I am his best friend more like a brother but only an angel can control a devil...only his angel can control him" he said the last part softly, and then I understood what he was trying to tell. I couldn't bare that he knew about Jai better than me but I was glad he made me understand too, now is not the time for my ego. "Thanks" I said and he made a 'why are you thanking me' face, "for making me understand" I added and smiled sweetly. He reciprocated my smile. 

I can't believe that this is the first time we have talked to each other properly since we met. I have known him for years but never really talked to him properly. Not once. I never thought he was a sweet person by myself, it was always what Jannu, Reem and Aru told, and I just believe what they say about him. But now I know that he actually is a sweet person. I put my hand forward, "Wanna be friends?" I asked and he agreed. "Gladly" he replied and shook my hand.


~Aru's POV~

I kept the main door open because I felt like it. I was anyways gonna stay in the hall. I switched on the tv and put some songs. I got myself comfortable in the couch and closed my eyes, absorbing all the music, swaying to it and humming along with it. Then a song that I never heard played. I shot up and leaned towards the small glass table to take the remote, and change the song but then the song just pulled me to trance. The song sounded so nice, I started swaying and spinning around with my eyes closed.

Then I suddenly hit something and I fell. When I opened my eyes I saw the grey eyes that was mysterious since the day I met them. I could still here the song continuing its melodious tune. I got lost in those mesmerizing eyes and the song only pulled me deeper into those magical eyes. The music had stopped but I was still lost. Then the calm grey eyes started turning yellow. The person looked away pulling me out.

 I snapped out of my trance to find myself lying on top of a stranger. I quickly got up and looked away due to awkwardness. I was literally an inch away from his face a moment ago. When I looked back at him, he had stood up. He looked so familiar...the eyes are the same as that magician guy.

Ughh! They just look similar, many people have grey eyes. And then it clicked me...who the hell was he? Why did he come into my house? How can he just barge into someone's house? Was he planning to kidnap me? Is he a thief? But before I could ask my questions I was given an answer, Jai entered the house and yelled, "You won? Come on".

"Hi Aru!" he acknowledged me. "Hi...h-he..." I trailed off with confusion shown in my face. "He is Sid, Fais and mine's very close friend" Jai shared and walked towards us; Me and that guy. Then that guy put his hand forward, "I am Arhaan" he said smiling. "Arishfa, you can call me Aru" I greeted him with a smile and shook his hand, but I couldn't help but think how I didn't know about him. "You can call me lucky" he informed.

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