Chapter 21

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A/N: I can't believe this! This story has hit 1k views! And....200+ votes! I wasn't expecting so much at the beginning, so it's a surprise for me. Thank you so much, this not possible without you all. Please continue supporting me. Ok, enough of this, let's start the story! Happy reading!


~Reem's POV~

Those dreams I had were not dreams. Those were my memories that had been shut away. I groan and let out all my anger "I am not going to talk to him again! What does he think of himself? He can't just erase my memories like that. Maybe in the future when he thinks that loosing my memories of him are best he will do that too....without my consent. Wait no, I will never give him consent to that even he does ask me. No.Matter.What"

"I will not ask you for consent" I hear a voice and sit up with a jerk. I turn to my right side and see Jai lying down on the bed, resting his head on his hands and smiling like an innocent....correction smiling like a devil. I push the blanket of me and walk to the balcony. I rest my hands on the railing and try to ignore him.....try. "I will not ask you for consent because I won't do that to you anymore" he leans on the railing. 

I look at him from top to bottom to top and then look to the other side. He hugs from the side, my arm colliding with his chest, and rests his head on my shoulder. He literally trapped me so I try to wriggle out, but his grip gets tighter. "Jai please let go" I plead. "I never wanted you to know about me, I didn't want you to hate me, I didn't want you to know that I am a devil in disguise...." he softens his voice and lets go of me. 

I throw my hands over his shoulders and hug him. He hugs me back and lifts me up. "Jai! Put me down" I chuckle and he puts me down slowly. "Were you born as a vampire?" I ask him out of curiosity. "First of all I am not a vampire, I am a hybrid of vampire and werewolf and to answer your question, I was not born as a vampire....or hybrid" he hugs me from the back. "Then how are you...." I trail off thinking about how he is a hybrid.

"We were in first year of college........." he starts.

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