Chapter 6

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~Aru's POV~

Ugh!! I didn't even sleep properly, and I have school. I quickly do my morning routine and stuff my breakfast into my mouth; it was an omelet. I bolt towards the door and see bhai leaning over the car; he is waiting for me. I tap on his shoulder, and he gives me an amused look.

Sid - You came so fast! I was expecti-
Aru - cuts him off  Enough! Let's go
Sid - Yes, my princess

Bhai drops me at school, and at the same time, Jannu and Avni also arrive. As soon as bhai sees Avni, he wants to leave. But I stopped him.

Sid - Aru, I need to leave for college.

Avni - Hi Sid!

Sid - Hi...A-avn-i

Jannu - Hi bhai, where is Reem?

Sid - That...uh...

Aru - She...uh..she is in the hospital.

Avni & Jannu - WHAT!! WHY? HOW? WHEN?

Aru - Bhai, you leave for college else you will get late; I will explain everything.

Sid takes off to his college in his car, and Aru explains Avni and Jannu everything that happened to Reem last night. "Omg!" exclaims Avni covering her mouth with both her hands. "Is she alright now?" Jannat asks Aru with tears filling her eyes. "She is alright...we will go visit her after school, okay?" I reply to calm them down. "Okay..." they both trailed off.


After the last school bell, Avni, Jannu, and I walked lazily towards the school entrance. To our surprise, we saw all the guys standing there - Sid, Jai, and Faisal. We rushed towards them.

" How come you guys here, huh?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "We have some good news!" Jai exclaimed, grinning. "What's that?" Avni asked with excitement. "We will tell you guys the good news in the hospital with Reem" Sid responded.

So we all got into bhai's car. He drove us to the hospital in which Reem is admitted. When we reached, Avni, Jannu, and I rushed to Reem's room. Avni and Jannu burst into tears when they saw Reem and hugged her while I just stood there watching them. Soon the guys too came into the room and seated themselves on the grey couch placed in the corner. Avni and Jannu wiped their tears and sat on the metal chairs while I sat next to Reem's legs on her bed.

"So what's the good news you guys wanted to tell us?" I asked, stressing the phrase 'good news'. "Good News?!" Reem asked with excitement. "Yes Ree, Sid wanna answer?" Jai confirmed. "Ree? ooo..." Jannu, Avni, and I teased. "Sure..." bhai says and continues, "Abhi bhai is gonna get married to Vaish di."

"What!" Reem, Jannu, Avni, and I exclaim. "That is awesome...when is it happening, and where?" Avni asked curiously. "It is happening next week; that is when you guys have your Mahabaleshwar trip too..." Fais bhai says and trails off. "Well then, I am canceling my trip to Mahabaleshwar" Jannu says. "Me too" I second her statement. I will not miss my brother's wedding for some school trip. "Reem and I too" Avni says. "So tomorrow, let's go and retrieve our entries" I command. "Yes ma'am" the girls respond and we all start laughing.

Then I recall what 'he' said that night I met him for the first time; that magician guy with his disappearing act in the smoke. He had asked me not to go on the Mahabaleshwar trip. Maybe he knew that bhai is gonna get married, but why stop me from entering. When I come to know about the marriage, I would cancel the trip myself like now. Hmm...maybe that is gonna stay a mystery.

I look around and find myself between 3 pairs of love birds. Jai admiring Reem while she tells him in detail about what happened in the night. Sid bhai lost in Avni while she talks to Jannu about the shopping and arrangements we will have to do. Fais bhai and Jannu stealing glances at each other while listening to what Avni says. So I jump off the bed and bid them goodbye, maybe...just maybe I will meet 'him' on my way home. 

I again walk home from the hospital in the sunset evening. Well, just that last time I walked home early morning around 4 when the sun was rising. I had only walked for 5 mins by myself, and then I sensed him. If I feel eyes on me, then it is him. 'I was expecting him' I shrugged, thinking to myself. "Hi..." I trailed off and smiled, not bothering to turn back. "Hi" he replied from the back.

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