Chapter 13

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~Aru's POV~

Ahhh! Since the time I woke up I'm having a bad headache. I slowly get off my bed taking support so I don't fall. I finish doing my routine and climb down the stairs with support of the railings. And I suddenly felt so weak I left my grip of the railing and was about to fall when someone caught me by my stomach. I didnt have the energy to open my eyes at all. I felt myself being lifted up and laid down on top of something soft. I was holding my head with my hands and wincing in pain.

Then I felt someone massaging my head and I felt a lot of relief. I felt my pain decrease and I was no longer feeling very tired. I slowly opened my eyes and met a pair of beautiful and soothing grey eyes. A smile unknowingly curved on my lips though I still didn't recognise the person. I then managed to let out a soft "Thanks" and closed my eyes again. I was soon pulled into a sweet sleep in the dark abyss.

~Jannu's POV~

I opened my eyes slowly and got up. I saw Fais right next to me and confusion struck me. He had a pillow in his lap and I figured that I was resting on him. That headache was really painful that I didn't even know what was happening around me. "Are you fine now?" he asked, I didn't realise that I had been staring at him in confusion until he asked me that. "Umm....ya I'm fine, thanks" I replied. 

I looked around and saw Reem hugging Jai's waist and sleeping on his lap while he was stroking her hair, Lucky massaging Aru's forehead and Avni sleeping on Sid's chest while Sid just hugged her tight. I turned to Fais and gestured him about what was happening around us with my eyes. He just smiled looking down and rubbed his nape with his hands. "You were sleeping with you headphones on so you got a headache. Reem had seen a nightmare and didn't sleep properly. Avu was stressed and Aru is feeling very tired" he explained. 

Wow that is coincidence, all the girls are having a not so good start in the morning. "Coincidence" I say to myself loudly and walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I then see that breakfast is made, it was chocolate pancakes in one plate and plain pancakes topped with honey on the other. I looked at Fais and gestured to the pancakes with my hands. He just smiled.

~Jai's POV~

Reem looks so cute when she sleeps. And the best part is: she is hugging me and sleeping. When I was admiring her she slowly woke up. She looked up at me with such a cute sleepy face. She hung her arms over my shoulders and sat on my lap. I can't resist anymore! I pulled her close and kissed her.

I heard a cough —or more exactly a fake cough— which interrupted my make out session. "Get a room! Geez!" Fais teased. Reem was so embarrassed that she turned red as a tomato, she was about to get out of my lap when I stood up and carried her in her my arms to her room.

And then it struck me! What was the nightmare that she had? I then asked her politely "Reem what nightmare did you get?". What she replied for my question shocked me. How did she remember all of that? How is it possible?

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