Chapter 25

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~Aru's POV~

And then I realized who the person is, the only one who has such an effect on me....we part our lips and I open my eyes to see full of darkness, like as if my eyes are still closed. "Arhaan..." I call out softly. "You were fierce" he whispers in my ears and I let out a chuckle. "Why did you bring me to a dark place" I ask him. He grabs my hand "Follow me".

I follow him not really being able to see anything. Does he have night vision eyes? How is he able to see? And then he stops abruptly pulling me out of my thoughts. He lets go of my hand and I instantly miss his cold touch. I squeeze my eyes shut out of fear. I then see yellow light hit my eyes. I open my eyes and see Arhaan kneeling in front of me with a ring in his hand. 

I hear chuckles from the sides and look to see Reem, Avni and Jannu. Jai, Sid bhai and Fais bhai kneeling down in front respective of their lovers. I hug Arhaan squealing before he starts talking about falling in love with me and he slips the ring onto my finger. I know how much he loves me, he doesn't have to explain it. The others do the same. Vaish di and Abhi bhai joins us and congratulates all of us. 


A 2 months have passed and we are home. The first few weeks after the marriage were hectic as we had a lot to catch up with and then exams were also held. Now exams are over and graduation is in a few days! So we are all having a blast at home. We had a small drinking party and then things happened in a snap, we are in the bedroom right now.

Luckily the rooms are soundproof otherwise everyone would have heard my screams. He marked me not once but thrice! As werewolves mark their mates thrice. It was painful but soon it faded into pleasure. I look around us and see our clothes scattered around the room. I recall what happened and I blush thinking about it. 

Well after marking me thrice - the first above my shoulder, the second in my inner thigh to find out if I can be his Ca'anam. Ca'anam means I am magically bound to his life-force. Well he has 3 mates in his lifetime but only 1 of the 3 can be his Ca'anam. And only Ca'anam couples can reproduce. I was so scared, what if I was not his Ca'anam but he was confident that I was his only one. And he was right. Then the third bite on my heart to bind our souls together. And after that you can guess what might have happened....we made love.

There is something I need to tell you. I hear Arhaan's voice in my head. I snap my head at him and he smirks. I frown in confusion, what is happening? I can read your mind and talk through it with you. My eyes widen and then I narrow my eyes. How can only he read my mind, its not fair. "Not fair!" I pout and he chuckles. "What something did you want to tell?" I ask still feeling jealous. "My past...." he trails off and I notice his face falling down. Something bad happened in his past.

Anyone interested in desktop wallpapers? And matching icons?
Just comment below and I'll pm you. 
I have a few decent wallpapers for desktop, these wallpapers help organize they aren't the typical wallpapers.

 I have a few decent wallpapers for desktop, these wallpapers help organize they aren't the typical wallpapers

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My fav wallpaper that I have made!!

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