Chapter 26

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There is something I need to tell you. I hear Arhaan's voice in my head. I snap my head at him and he smirks. I frown in confusion, what is happening? I can read your mind and talk through it with you. My eyes widen and then I narrow my eyes. How can only he read my mind, it's not fair. "Not fair!" I pout and he chuckles. "What's something did you want to tell?" I ask still feeling jealous. "My past...." he trails off and I notice his face falling down. Something bad happened in his past.

~Arhaan's POV~
She looks at me patiently waiting for me to take my time and tell her. I stare at her trying to compose myself. She leans forwards and gives a peck on my lips "Take your time". She wears her clothes and I do the same. I hug her from the back and intake her addictive scent, now that i have marked her and mated with her, the pull is much stronger. She holds my neck and tilts her head giving access. 

"You wanna talk?" she asks me and I turn her towards me. I drag her to the bed and I lay down. She does the same and I instantly hug her waist. I look up at her and she let out a small chuckle. And I started telling her my past.

"The vampires and warlocks had a war, the vampires were more in number but they knew that the warlocks are capable of defeating them. They did not want to chances, the warlocks had thought the same. They both tried their luck with the wolves, but the wolves didn't want to interfere in the war. So both the clans came to me - the tribrid, a powerful species. But I denied both of them. The war happened and the vampires triumphed with the victory while the warlocks not only lost the little population they had but also failed. They started to resent me because of this. They tried trapping me, killing me with spells and many other brutal things, but I always escaped. Their tactics weren't strong enough to defeat me. They then stopped, I thought they gave up but now I understand that they are making plans to torture me, my whole life." her eyes were filled with tears, ready to drop any second. 

"S-so you w-will leave me a-again? Is that what you are saying?" her tears trickle down her angelic face staining her now rosy cheeks. She was supressing her tears but failed miserably. I kiss her forehead and comfort her. I couldn't reply to her questions. "I won't leave you again....let them try their luck" I wipe her tears and smirk to myself. I will kill whoever tries to separate me from Aru.

I know the story is on hold but I wanted to update as I am free. Don't wanna keep my readers waiting.

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