Chapter 5

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~Aru's POV~

The doctor says, "She is alright. You have brought her on time; she might be in a critical situation if you had come later".

Me and Sid sigh in relief. I ask the doctor if I could see her, and he agreed. So I rushed into the room, and when I entered, I saw her staring at the ceiling like she was thinking about something or trying to remember something. Me being very curious interrupted her thoughts.
Aru - hey!
Reem - gets out of her thoughts and looks at Aru Hey!
Aru - Are you alright?
Reem - Yes-
Aru - Good, so what were you thinking?

Reem - chuckle I was thinking about what had happened.
Aru - I have the same question...did you slip?

Reem - I did slip...because something had happened.
Aru - What had happened?

~Reem's POV~

I remember everything clearly. I was nervous and scared to think about what had happened; it scared me really badly. But I know that if I want to get this out of my head, Aru is the person I should talk to. So I told her what had happened.

Flashback starts~
I woke suddenly woke up to the wind's howling. The window was slightly open, which made the creepy sound. I got up, walked to the window, and closed it shut while thinking how I could forget to shut it. Maybe I was just too sleepy. While I was going to bed, I felt someone's eyes on me. So I went to the restroom to splash some water on my face. 

When I turned around, I saw a figure move swiftly, and I stepped back with fear. With my sudden movement of reflex, I slipped, and my head hit the bathtub forcefully. I felt a sharp strike of pain in my head and soon felt blood sliding down, then I slowly closed my eyes being sucked into the dark abyss.
~Flashback ends

Aru - gasps and places her hands over her mouth
Reem - I'm sure it was just hallucinations 
Aru - Ya...maybe...
Reem - Where is bhai?
Aru - He is there outside gestures towards the room's door
Reem - oh
Aru - take rest, I'll go do something
Reem - how did you find me?
Aru - narrated how she saved Reem but excluded the dream 
(A/N: That is rhyming! )


~Aru's POV~

Sid bhai was at the hospital's drug store to buy some ointment for Reem, so I texted him that I'll be going home and walked out of the hospital. I could anyways enjoy some fresh air now after crying for almost 2 hours. It would take 20 mins least to reach home, and I have been walking for 5 mins. Now I felt eyes on me but cared the least. I am fed up with this, ALREADY! But my heart still races with his eyes on me. Then I heard bliss - his voice.

?? - You know that I am following you but don't care?

I stopped dead on my tracks and stood still. I felt heated air hit my earlobe and warm my bare neck. I felt chills and my tiny hairs stood up in my nape. I understood that it was his breath and that he wasn't wearing a mask. I closed my eyes shut and fist my hands, digging my nails into my palm.


~Unknown's POV~

Sid had texted me for food while I was scrolling through my phone. I asked him where he was and took off with some tomato juice. He asked me to meet him at a hospital's drug store. I went there and gave him the juice. My eyes were roaming around the hospital, trying to catch her vague scent. Sid understood that and pointed in the direction, which I assume should lead me to her. As I move, I intake her scent, it was very intoxicating, but she wasn't in sight. I let her scent lead my way, and as soon as I stepped out of the hospital, I bolt faster.

Then my eyes landed on her back, and I moved closer. I followed her for a while, and then I hear her heart beat faster. 'She has sensed me!' I think to myself and smirk, but she doesn't care to look around or quicken her pace. So I speak up, "You know that I am following you but don't care?". She stops walking and stands still. I walk towards her quietly and breathe close to her neck to tease her. I see her stiffening, so I say in a soft tone, "You don't have to be scared." She loosens and asks, "Are you not wearing your mask?"

I smile —showing all my teeth—, trying not to laugh at her question which sounded cute. I reply to her with fake confusion, "I am not wearing it...why do you ask?". I knew she would turn to look at me, so I faced my back at her when she did, not giving her a chance to see me. I chuckled when I heard her groan in frustration. "Why do you do this" she whines. I laughed, "You will know who I am soon; be patient." I knew if I stayed any longer, I would reveal myself, so I waved my hand and darted away, leaving her confused at my words.

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