Chapter 4

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~Aru's POV~

In front of me is that same guy in the black hoodie and mask standing in the same place - under the dim light of the street light in the night. I turn away from him and start running, soon my surroundings change to pitch black, but I don't stop. The darkness only increases my will to keep running. Then I see rays of light in the distance, and my eyes widen. I run even faster, as I got close I see some kind of table on wheels. No, it's a bed? I guess hospital bed. I slow down and walk to it. I was right, it is a bed. Someone is lying on top of it, but there is a white sheet covering them. Now I'm panicking. I don't wanna know who that is, I am not gonna open it so that some ghost can pop at me, but my curiosity gets the best of me. I open the plain white cover slowly and shut my eyes close tightly. When I open my eyes, I find REEM. I burst into tears. I keep my index finger under her nose...she isn't breathing!

I suddenly wake up with a jerk, eyes filled with tears. Was it just a dream? That's just a dream! I am so happy, but I still want to check up on Reem.

'What if Reem isn't alright? What if this dream was some kind of warning? I did see that guy in the hoodie in my dream!' I had all these thoughts in my head.

I throw the covers off of me and jump out of my fluffy and comfortable bed. I open my bedroom door and tip-toe run down the long stairs as quietly as possible. I open Reem's bedroom door slowly so that I don't wake her up, when I look at her bed she is not there! Maybe she is in the bathroom. I walk to her bathroom and find the door slightly open. I have an internal fight about whether I should open the door furthermore or not. After a good debate with myself —which didn't take long— I open the door further. What I saw shocked me, and I broke down. Reem had blood sliding down her face from the side of her forehead and had fainted. The handle of the bathtub had some blood too. I screamed loudly, "REEM!"

Tears poured out of my eyes continuously. I knew that my priority should be to take her to the hospital, but I couldn't help but pour my eyes out. I heard loud footsteps thumping towards us, and I understood that it was my brother Sid. I ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He kept asking about what had happened, but my voice didn't come out. All I could do was point towards Reem's bathroom and sob continuously. He caressed my hair and rushed towards the bathroom.

He carried Reem in his arms and slowly placed her on top of the bed. He then ran out of the room and came back with the car keys after a few mins. He carries Reem out of the room and gestures me with his eyes to follow him. I do the same while crying. He places Reem in the backseat and walks to the driver seat. I take a seat in the back and place Reem's head on my lap. Sid gets into the car and drives swiftly, so we reach the nearest hospital in 10 mins. He carries Reem in his arms out of the car while I lock it and follow him. A few male nurses bring a stretcher, and Sid places Reem on it. They take her away.

After an hour, the doctor comes out of the room, Sid and I stand up from our seats. The doctor then opens his mouth to say something but closes. He coughs and then says......

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