Chapter 24

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~Aru's POV~

All of us girls wash our mehendi. It looks beautiful! The music starts and all of us run, we reach the dance floor and start dancing to bollywood songs. Suddenly someone pulls me away from the crowd swiftly and pins me to the wall. I look up at the person and panic takes over me....Jazz! He smirks and checks me out, I feel so disgusted.

He is my so-called cousin. He was adopted by my Aunt and Uncle when he was 14 years old. He doesn't see them as parents at all, but as slaves. They get him everything he wants. They adopted him because they think he is the twin who they lost. They gave birth to twin boys, one was weak and the other was healthy.

They said they didn't want the weak child and gave him off. But the babies had been switched. So the weak one they had died in a few months. Since then they have tried to search for the other twin. At last, through tracking for years they found Jazz. When they did the DNA test I saw Jazz change the results. I understood then that he is not the one.

I threatened him, but he didn't care. He was stronger than me and I knew that I won't be able to win him so I told my bhais. They tried to prove that he is fake many times but failed. My aunt and uncle refused to believe us. So we gave up, I know he is bad news and avoided him, but he still comes around me.

He snaps his fingers at me and I come out of my thoughts. "Thinking how you are gonna escape?" he leans closer and I stick to the wall "Don't come close" I point my finger at him. "If I do?" he is really cocky, isn't he? I kick him where the sun doesn't shine and he moves back holding it. He falls to the ground and groans in pain. "That's what's gonna happen ass****!" I reply to his question. I look at him groaning in pain and walk away with satisfaction. 

The only dim lights left suddenly switch off. And I am being pinned to wall....again! I try to attack the person, but get blocked. The person has great reflexes and is very strong. The person pins my hands to wall with his hands and I feel warm hit my neck in the cool breeze. It is really confusing, there is warm air and super chill air around me.

Before I digest everything happening around me, I feel soft lips on my lip. I don't know who is the person, but I know I like it. The lips feel so cold yet warm, I feel sparks everywhere. The sparks pull me deeper into the kiss. My legs feel so weak and he holds my waist tight giving me support to stand. One of his hands on my waist and the other on my neck pulling me closer. My hands pulling him as close to me as possible. And then I realized who the person is, the only one who has such an effect on me.........

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