Chapter 2

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~Arishfa's POV~

At school

Jai dropped us at school and took off for college, not before smirking a wink at Reem. She blushed, obviously!! 
Aru - Reem! We will get late for class if we don't run now!
Reem - Yaa!! Let's go, Bii Jaanu! waves her hand at Jannat and runs
Aru - Bye Jaan! shouts while running

~Author's POV~

Arishfa and Reem go to their classrooms and occupy an empty seat. While Jannat and Avneet slowly walk to their calculus class talking, as they know that their calculus teacher is always late and there is no reason to rush.

A few periods are over and now it's break time. The girls gather at the canteen as always and seat themselves at their usual table. A table to the corner of the canteen with a wide-open window for fresh air and a beautiful view of the school garden. They ordered some food and started eating.
Jaan - You guys saw the announcement?
Reem - What announcement?
Avni - We are having a trip to Mahabaleshwar hill station for a week.
Aru - Wow! Is there a but coming?
Avni - But...we have to give an entry after asking permission from our guardians, we should get our guardian's signature in the entry slip. The trip could be extended so...
Reem - So let's get it done and join it!

All of them finish eating and go to the desk which has the entry slips, each takes one slip and slides it into their bags. They go to their respective classes.

The school bell rings and now the school gates are open to go home. Jaan and Avni have to finish projects prior as they are planning to go on the trip, so they take a cab to Avni's house. Reem and Aru take a cab to their house.

At their house

~Aru's POV~
I can ask Sid for the signature! Jannu and Reem would do the same.
Aru - Reem who are you gonna ask for the guardian signature?
Reem - smiles show all her teeth I..I-I spoke t-to J-Jai...h-he sa-
Aru - cuts her off  he said he will sign it for you?
Reem - yes!
Aru - Gosh! You took so long to say that!
Reem - smiles awkwardly

I shake my head and walk towards the kitchen to find something to eat. But I find nothing...we need to buy groceries. Reem is still tired so I should go.

Aru - Reem I am gonna buy some groceries, I'll be back soon. Do you want me to buy something for you?
Reem - Shall I come with you? I am bored.
Aru - You.Stay.Here. I will buy them, do you want anything?
Reem - Fine! rolls her eyes  Can you buy me some ice-cream and chocolate?
Aru - You are sick and you want ice-cream narrowing her eyes at Reem
Reem - Please! puppy eyes attack
Aru - Fine! rolls eyes Anything else? I'll go now
Reem - Nothing else, bye!

Reem goes to her room. I quickly jog to the kitchen and take a cloth bag, I fold it and take it with me. I lock the door from the outside and make my way to the store. It is getting dark so I should make things quick. I run to the store and drop all the things we need into the cloth bag I brought. I take it to the counter and bill them. I pay the money and get out of the store. I walk slowly as I want to enjoy the cool breeze. 

I walk for sometime and now I feel like someone is following me. I brush it off cause I think I am just feeling that way as its dark and I am alone on the road. But I can't seem to do it, so I turn back to confirm.  And there is no one! See brain, there is no one. I start walking again and I see a figure. I stop dead on my track. I am panicking a bit but this is totally unnecessary. I just continue walking ignoring the figure when the figure stops. 

I understood that the figure was a guy. He wore a black hoodie with black jeans  and a black mask covering his face almost fully. I could only see his mesmerising grey eyes in the dim light. He look at me with his eyes piercing right through my soul. He walks a little forward towards the street light with his eyes still fixed on me.

And then I hear his deep voice "Don't go to Mahabaleshwar for the trip". I was taken a back, how did he know? Who was he? Why shouldn't I go? So many questions swarming through my mind when he spoke again. "I know you have a lot of questions to ask but now is not the time" he says. "Wait!" I say, I can't just trust someone who pops infront of me out of nowhere and says I shouldn't go somewhere! "W-who are y-you?" I ask him with hesitation tilting my head to the side a bit. I look into his eyes and I see...desperation?sadness? But he quickly hides it and replies "Don't.Go.There" with more deepness in his voice and with that smoke starts eating him up from the ground and he dissappears.

What the heck was that? What just happened? Who was that guy? Why can't I go for the trip? I just ran home as fast as I could. These groceries that I am carrying don't make running any easier. I could see my home and I ran faster. I took the keys out of my pocket and opened the door. I move in, shut the door with a bang and lock it from the inside. I put on all the locks from top to bottom. And I slide down the door, resting my head on it. I keep the bag on my side, bring my knees closer to my chest and hug it tightly. I rest my head on my knees and think about what just happened, I was panicking....correction panicking a lot!

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