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jeno stood outside the café a half hour earlier than usual, but he didn't mind considering it was almost summer meaning beautiful sunrises and warm, breezy mornings.

he checked his pockets for his keys and pulled them out to unlock the door but dropped them in the process, sighing at his clumsiness.

"am i too early?" a voice spoke as jeno had bent down to grab his keys and jeno swore he felt his soul leave his body for a second. he jumped at the noise and hit his shoulder on the door, groaning before standing back up and clutching his shoulder.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to scare you." jeno looked up to see it was the new guy standing in front of him with concerned eyes. jeno shook his head with a smile and turned back around to unlock the door.

"don't worry about it and to answer your question, yeah you're a little early. we don't open for another hour." jaemin smiled sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"my bad, i thought you opened around this time." jeno opened the door and looked back at jaemin, hesitating for a second before sighing with a smile.

"come on in, just don't tell felix or he'll kill me." jaemin's face lit up and he happily followed jeno into the sweet smelling bakery.

jaemin took a seat on one of the stools in front of the counter while jeno headed into the back room to grab some things. he looked around the bakery, taking in the decorations and colors. it was a cute cafe with mostly a brown theme but not an ugly brown, it was more of a cozy and homely color.

jeno returned with freshly washed dishes and placed them where they always kept them before turning his attention to the machinery, making sure everything was working. jaemin watched the older boy run around, double checking things from time to time, and felt bad.

"is there anything i can help with?"

"actually yeah, would you mind getting some more packets of sugar from the back and could you put them on the tables that don't have any? i need to make donghyuck his coffee before he gets here, he loses his mind if he doesn't have his morning coffee." jaemin chuckled at the sight of jeno calmly telling him what to do while he practically sprinted around the bakery. jaemin made his way to the back and found the sugar packets. he grabbed a fair amount and returned to the main area and placed the packets in the little cup on the tables.

"thank you so much." jeno raised a hand to his head, out of breath from all of his running around.

jaemin smiled and sat back down on the stool. "do you usually have to do all this by yourself?"

jeno shook his head and took a seat next to the pink haired boy. "no, felix does it and his boyfriend usually helps him out but he's not working today." jaemin nodded his head and an awkward silence fell between them. both boys tried to think of something to say but they were saved when a loud donghyuck entered.

"hello my dearest friend- woah who's this?" donghyuck stopped suddenly when he noticed jaemin sitting next to jeno but as soon as he noticed the pink hair, a smirk made it's way on to his face.


"okay donghyuck, drink your coffee." jeno was quick to grab the coffee he had made for donghyuck and lifted the cup to donghyuck's mouth, forcing him to shut up.

jaemin laughed at the sight of the two chaotic best friends, who were now arguing over who knows what.

jeno glanced at the clock on the wall and his eyes widened. he quickly changed the sign from 'closed' to 'open' and rushed to make sure everything was ready for the fifth time. donghyuck sat down on a stool with a relaxed sigh, used to jeno panicking about everything being perfect.

"so you're the new guy, huh?" donghyuck looked at jaemin with no emotion but jaemin's smile never faltered. 

"that's me, na jaemin." donghyuck nodded and sipped his coffee, ending their conversation just like that. jeno walked past the pair to place a spare bag of coffee next to the coffee machine just in case and donghyuck leaned back to block him, making jeno raise an eyebrow.

"felix owes me money." jeno scoffed and moved passed the now laughing donghyuck. jaemin only watched the pair, confused as to what donghyuck meant.

people began entering the bakery and donghyuck walked around the counter to take orders. they usually rotated every day and today donghyuck would take orders while jeno made them. 

jaemin stood up from the stool to join the short line before all the college kids would come storming in. when he was at the front, donghyuck still looked at him with a blank expression.

"what can i get you?"

"one americano and one strawberry and vanilla frappuccino, please and thank you." donghyuck recognized the second drink as jeno's favorite but didn't question it and handed the paper with jaemin's order to jeno. jeno made the drinks without paying too much attention to what the drinks actually were and he handed them to donghyuck once he finished. jaemin paid and donghyuck handed him the two drinks but jaemin pushed the second drink back towards him.

"this one's for cotton candy boy." jeno turned back around and tilted his head at the last part.

"cotton candy?" jaemin chuckled and grabbed his drink, gesturing to both his and jeno's hair before leaving the bakery, not forgetting to wink at the older boy.

jeno only realized what he meant after he had already left.

pink hair and blue hair, just like cotton candy.

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