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"good morning, sunshine." jeno looked up from the iced americano he was making to see a familiar pink haired boy step into the bakery. he gave the boy a small smile and a wave before returning to the drink.

"hey jaemin, are you here to talk to felix?" donghyuck asked and jaemin nodded, leaning against the counter.

"is he here?" jaemin asked and donghyuck shook his head.

"not yet, he'll be here after ten's shift." jaemin's eyebrows furrowed at the unfamiliar name.


"thats me, baby." the mentioned boy appeared from the break room and slung an arm around jeno with a wink. jaemin frowned but quickly forced a smile.

"i don't think we've met, i'm jaemin." he held out a hand and ten removed his arm from around jeno to shake it. donghyuck looked at them with a smile.

"ten here is like a brother to us three." jaemin felt himself relax after seeing jeno nod in agreement and he let a real smile appear on his face.

"that sounds nice, i'm glad you have such a good friend." ten held a hand up to his heart and pouted, making the three laugh.

"anyways, speaking of my shift, it ends in ten minutes so i should go get my things. it was nice to meet you, jaemin." jaemin smiled at the older boy while the other two hugged him goodbye before he returned to the break room.

"so, are you nervous?" donghyuck leaned on the counter next to jaemin and jaemin looked at jeno with a grin.

"depends. nervous to apply for the job? nah. nervous to be working with cute boys? hell yeah." jaemin chuckled when he saw how jeno's cheeks reddened and how the puppy-like boy avoided eye contact. donghyuck snorted and shook his head.

"you'll fit in here just fine."

right at that moment, the door opened and everyone smiled upon seeing felix enter, especially jeno. he happily ran over to the freckled boy and flung his arms around him.

"good morning to you too, jeno." felix laughed and returned the hug. the customers in the shop just smiled at the two, used to the friendly interactions between the workers.

"donghyuck, what are you doing? serve the guy." felix raised an eyebrow and gestured to jaemin while jeno finally released him from the hug. jaemin stood up straight and smiled.

"oh actually, i'm here to apply for a job." felix made an 'oh' face and walked over to the counter. 

"no problem, just sign some papers and you're hired." everyone's eyes widened and jaemin's jaw dropped while felix searched under the counter for the papers he needed.

"i'm hired already?" felix looked up with a nod.

"you seem pretty friendly with us and you've become a regular, i like you." jaemin smirked and pretend to flip his "long" hair. 

"you hear that, guys? he likes me." everyone laughed while felix shook his head with an amused smile.

"you can start tomorrow at eight, same time as jeno."


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