twenty eight

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jeno woke up surrounded by warmth and a sweet smell. he smiled when he realized it was jaemin and snuggled closer to the younger. he closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep again, until he realized why he had woken up in the first place.

his phone was buzzing on the bedside table next to him. he groaned and lazily picked it up, squinting at the bright light as he looked at the screen. he furrowed his eyebrows when he saw the many missed calls and texts from donghyuck.

he sighed and carefully unwrapped jaemin's arms from around his waist and left jaemin's room, clicking on donghyuck's contact number as he did. 

"jeno- jesus fucking christ, what took you so long?" donghyuck picked up within seconds and immediately started yelling. jeno rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch.

"what do you want now?"

"jeno, you need to get out of there. it'll take to long to explain right now but please just leave and come to my apartment." jeno scoffed, shaking his head.

"i can't believe you, seriously. mind your own business." 

"no, jeno i'm fucking serious. get out of there now and don't talk to anyone on the way back even if you know them." jeno sighed in defeat and muttered a quiet 'fine' before ending the call. he grabbed the few things he had brought with him to jaemin's and left the apartment, sending jaemin a quick text to say something came up. 

donghyuck continued to send texts every few minutes, making sure that jeno was on his way and safe. jeno answered the first few messages but eventually pocketed his phone, annoyed by how weird his best friend was being.

finally, he arrived at their apartment block and went straight to donghyuck's apartment like the younger had told him to.he only had to knock once and the door flew open, revealing an anxious looking donghyuck, but that's not what caught jeno's attention.

"hyuck, what the fuck is he doing here?" jeno pointed to an uncomfortable looking renjun who was sitting on donghyuck's cough quietly. donghyuck didn't respond and instead pulled jeno inside and locked the door behind him.

"i'm not letting you leave until you hear him out." donghyuck gestured for jeno to sit down and jeno looked at him in disbelief.

"this isn't funny, hyuck."

"do i look like i'm laughing?"

"this is kidnapping." jeno tried to push past donghyuck but donghyuck grabbed his wrist.

"it's for your own safety. please just listen to him, do you really think i'd make you do something if i thought it would harm you?" jeno looked at donghyuck for a moment before nodding, still not very happy with his friend. he sat down opposite renjun and donghyuck took a seat next to renjun.

"i know you think i'm dangerous and i know jaemin has probably told you to stay away from me." jeno raised an eyebrow and renjun sighed. 

"it's the opposite. i wasn't completely honest with you, i'll admit that, but i'm not the bad guy here. i left korea to go to china because i'm part of a gang. we're not the kind of gang that you're probably thinking of, don't worry. we sort of work with the police, we only get rid of bad people that the police don't want the public to know about. serial killers, people like that. i'm here to find our rival gang, the gang that does the opposite. they're the kind that you'd think of when you hear the word gang. they kill innocent people and do all kind of illegal things. jeno, jaemin's apart of them. i haven't told the rest of my gang yet because i wanted you to know first, i don't want them to misunderstand and think you're with jaemin, so please jeno, stay away from him."

jeno listened to renjun with no emotion on his face. when renjun finally finished, jeno stood up, still with an emotionless expression. renjun and donghyuck looked at him, their eyes filled with hope.

"jaemin was right about you, he told me you left korea for that reason and he was right, thank god i believed him because you're so full of bullshit." jeno spoke in an eerily calm way, making both renjun and donghyuck's eyes widen.

"no, jeno listen-" jeno cut donghyuck off by pulling keys out of his pocket and holding them up for the younger to see.

"you forgot to hide your spare keys." jeno then turned around and let himself out of the apartment, leaving behind two frustrated and panicked boys.

a/n: rainbow was playing while i wrote this and i find that very funny

anyways whos side are we on ;D team renjun or team jaemin

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