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"please, it'll be fun i swear." jeno looked at his best friend with a dirty look.

"that's what you said last time and then you ditched me."

"come on, it's just a night out. don't be a party pooper." donghyuck pouted and pulled on his best friend's sleeve, making the blue haired boy sigh.

"okay fine, but i'm not dealing with you when you're drunk." donghyuck giggled and took out his phone to text his boyfriend.

"that's what markie's for." jeno cringed at the nickname and walked into his bedroom to pick out an outfit for that night. he had finally decided on one when donghyuck walked in and the outfit was quickly thrown back into the closet with a disgusted look from donghyuck.

"jeno, you're not wearing sweatpants and a hoodie to a club." donghyuck sighed and began rummaging through jeno's clothes.

"my bad, i wasn't aware there's a dress code." jeno rolled his eyes and sat on his bed, letting donghyuck do the hard work for him.

"you're not going to get a boyfriend looking like you just got out of a year long coma." jeno's eyebrows furrowed and he picked up a pillow from his bed before launching it at the clueless boy. donghyuck groaned as his head made contact with the closet door and glared at jeno, who only smirked with a shrug.

after almost two hours of arguing, fussing and jeno complaining, the boys were finally ready and they had to admit, they looked amazing. donghyuck had chosen outfits that showed off their different figures, with donghyuck being slim while jeno was more built, but both boys looked equally good.

he had also forced jeno to let him do his makeup. he didn't go too overboard on either of them, just making sure to highlight their features and add a little glow to their already flawless skin. at the end, they were both satisfied even if jeno was too stubborn to admit it.

mark called donghyuck to let them know he was parked outside so they both quickly gathered their necessary things like their phones and the small bottle of vodka donghyuck insisted on bringing. 

"we're literally going to a club, why do you need to bring alcohol?" jeno judged donghyuck who shook his head.

"babe one tasteless drink costs more than my apartment, this is necessary." he had a point so jeno nodded and remained quiet until they reached mark's car. the older was dressed in a simple black turtle neck with ripped black jeans but he managed to make the minimalistic outfit look breathtaking. donghyuck opened the passenger door and smiled before pecking his boyfriend's lips. jeno shook his head and climbed in the back.

"well aren't you a ray of sunshine today?" mark chuckled, glancing at jeno in the rear view mirror. jeno scowled and looked out the window.

"just drive, mark."

the couple continued to annoy jeno for the whole ride to the club but jeno managed to ignore them. finally, after what felt like both 5 hours and 5 seconds, they arrived at the club. while jeno was relieved to get away from markhyuck's teasing, he also wasn't very enthusiastic about going clubbing.

nevertheless, he opened the car door and followed the other two into the building. as soon as they walked inside the night's cool air was shut out and now they stood in a room filled with sweaty people. donghyuck cringed and pulled the other two through another door and that's where they were met with the obnoxiously loud music and the smell of strong alcohol. 

"what drink do you want?" mark shouted over the music, now facing the two. 

"anything, i don't mind." jeno shouted back. truthfully, he hadn't drank enough to know what he liked and disliked. mark nodded and headed towards the bar as he already knew donghyuck's usual. donghyuck took jeno's hand and led him to a loveseat at the side of the wall where it was a little quieter.

"donghyuck and jeno, is that you?" jeno and donghyuck's head snapped around to see a small boy around their age. it took a moment for them to recognize him but once they did, they quickly stood up to pull him into a hug.

"renjun? i haven't seen you in so long." donghyuck squealed and squeezed the chinese boy. renjun laughed and pushed donghyuck off of him after a few moments to hug jeno.

"right? we haven't seen each other since high school." renjun shook his head at the thought.

the three had been close friends with renjun in high school but he had moved back to china in their last year. they tried to keep in contact but unfortunately college got in the way,

"are you back living in korea?" jeno questioned and renjun nodded happily.

"i just got back last month, i came here looking to make some friends, the thought of seeing you guys never even crossed my mind." the two laughed and invited renjun to sit with them. mark returned a few minutes later and he was just as happy to see the shorter boy.

"have you guys seen the workers here? they are fine." renjun dramatically fanned himself with his hand, making the others chuckle.

"i'm glad you appreciate our looks." the boys turned around to see a male worker standing behind them, making renjun's face flush red. jeno's eyes widened at upon seeing the boy and donghyuck smirked, glancing at jeno. the worker turned his attention from renjun to jeno.

"oh jeno, fancy seeing you here." 

"hi jaemin." jeno gulped, feeling awkward as his friends turned to look at him. renjun and mark had their eyebrows raised, having no idea who the boy was or how he knew jeno.

"can i get you boys anything? it's on me." jaemin took a seat on the arm of the loveseat, right next to where jeno was sitting. 

"free drinks? hell yeah, i'll have whatever's strongest." donghyuck was quick to speak and mark hit his arm, rolling his eyes. jaemin laughed at the boy and turned his attention to jeno.

"and what can i get you, pretty boy?" jeno felt his face heat up and he avoided his friends' eyes.

"same as donghyuck." jaemin nodded and took mark and renjun's orders before leaving to get their drinks. he was quick to return and donghyuck noticed him before the others. donghyuck moved from his place next to jeno on the loveseat and instead sat on the chair next to mark, leaving an empty spot beside jeno. jaemin noticed and grinned at donghyuck. he gave the boys their drinks and this time, he took a seat next to jeno.

"so jaemin, you work here?" donghyuck broke the silence and jaemin turned to look at him.

"i don't, my brother owns this place so i just help out from time to time but i can't stand night shifts. i'm actually looking for a place to work." donghyuck looked at jeno who was glaring at him, knowing exactly what he was about to do. jeno looked at him with a face that said "don't you dare" but of course, donghyuck didn't listen.

"you should stop by the bakery, felix is a good guy. i'm sure he'd give you the job straight away." donghyuck smiled at jaemin sweetly and jaemin's face lit up. the pink haired boy turned to look at jeno.

"you think?" jaemin asked with an excited tone. jeno quickly hid the glare he was giving donghyuck and forced a smile.

"yeah, for sure." jeno nodded and jaemin squealed.

"i'll stop by on monday then, thanks guys." 

a/n: i was able to remain loyal to chenle in dream for a whole 3 years but nomin just had to ruin that </3 i now bias all three of them oops

anyways i know this is boring but the next chapter will be out soon !!!

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