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jaemin woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling and the smell of food being cooked.

he furrowed his eyes and sat up, confused. he was used to seeing his brother noisily vacuuming or getting ready for work, not the sweet smell of honey and pancakes.

"oh you're awake, i wanted to cook for us." jeno walked out of the room, in the middle of throwing on a hoodie, and that's when jaemin remembered he had slept over. he ran a hand through his hair, attempting to look somewhat presentable.

he got up and joined the older in the kitchen where he was plating up the food.

"you didn't have to, thank you sunshine." jeno blushed and smiled, focusing on the food. he had made the two cat shaped pancakes with strawberries on the side and a drizzle of honey. jaemin smiled, finding it adorable.

"so you like cats?" jaemin asked while he followed the blue haired boy to the couch with his food. jeno nodded and curled up in the corner of the couch, taking a bite of his pancake.

"i love both cats and dogs but i'm allergic to cats." jaemin almost cooed out loud at the small pout on jeno's face.

"you look like a puppy." jeno giggled at the younger's words while jaemin stared at him adoringly, completely forgetting about the food. he could stare at jeno's eye smile all day.

"nana, your foods going to get cold." jeno pointed at jaemin's food while jaemin was losing his mind on the inside.

"nana?" jaemin tilted his head with a smile, loving the nickname and the way jeno's voice softened when he said it. jeno looked up and blushed, not realizing what he had said.

"your surname is na so it just slipped out, sorry." jeno looked away from jaemin and focused on his pancakes instead. jaemin chuckled and ruffled the older's hair.

"don't be sorry sunshine, i love it."

jeno blushed more and continued to avoid the younger's eyes until he saw the time on his phone. he leapt off the couch and put his plane on the coffee table, turning to jaemin with wide eyes.

"nana, we have five minutes to get to work."

"so you two are late." both boys nodded sheepishly, standing in front of felix with messy hair and disheveled clothes.

"and you arrived together." again, both boys nodded.

"and you look like this." at this point, jeno just wanted to get to work so he nodded with a sigh and rolled his eyes.

"and you're telling me nothing happened between you two?" jeno gasped and slapped his hand over the australian's mouth with wide eyes.

"felix! nana i'm sorry, you can start working." jaemin only stared in amusement with a grin on his face. he caught felix's attention and wiggled his eyebrows before heading over to the counter before jeno could kill him. felix's eyes widened and he pointed at jaemin, biting jeno's hand to make him let go.

"that says otherwise, you two definitely have something going on." 

"goodbye felix." jeno rolled his eyes and followed jaemin to the counter. ten smirked at the two and jeno groaned, wanting to kill his friends. he was thankful that donghyuck had a later shift, he couldn't deal with his teasing too.

"hello, my love." jeno looked up from the cash register to see renjun leaning on the counter with a smile. jeno's face lit up and he ran around the counter to hug renjun. renjun laughed and hugged the younger boy back but didn't miss the glare jeno's coworker gave him. his smile dropped and he slowly pulled away from jeno to look at the boy.

"jen, isn't that the guy from the club?" jeno looked over his shoulder to see jaemin. the pink haired boy had returned to his normal calm state and wasn't even looking at them, leaving jeno oblivious. jeno turned back to renjun and nodded.

"jaemin? yeah, he started working here recently. don't you remember we mentioned that at the club?" renjun nodded and looked back over at the new boy.

"he gives me a weird vibe, i don't like him." jeno pouted and gently hit the older's arm.

"renjun, you can't say that already. you've only met him twice." renjun sighed and nodded, knowing how kind hearted jeno was. 

"if you trust him then fine, i trust him."

a/n: hello future song of the year i can't get over it lee jeno please love me pick me choose me love me i will convert to heterosexuality for you

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