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jaemin kept his promise and did, in fact, walk the older boy home.

they walked silently but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable. the pink haired boy was smaller in size compared to jeno but jeno had to admit he felt a lot safer with him by his side. plus, even if jaemin didn't look the strongest, his glare was enough to make you want to flee the country.

"this is my stop." jeno spoke softly once they reached his apartment block and jaemin looked around, taking in the area.

"i guess i should get back to my own place, have a nice night sunshine." jaemin smiled and turned around to go on his way to his own apartment. jeno bit his lip, contemplating, before he yelled jaemin's name. jaemin turned around with a confused look on his face.

"it's late, do you want to just stay over? we could head to work together in the morning, only if you want to of course but-"

"jeno, i'd love to." jaemin shut up the rambling boy with a soft smile and took the older's hand in his own, leading him into the apartment building. jeno lead the way from there, guiding them to his apartment. he thanked the gods that donghyuck hadn't decided to wait in his apartment for him, jeno knew he'd never stop teasing him.

"your apartment suits you a lot." jaemin looked around, admiring the apartment. jeno placed his bag on the kitchen counter and tilted his head.


"it's calm, simple and minimalistic but cute and comfortable." jeno blushed at the word 'cute' and looked away so the younger boy wouldn't see his red face. he failed to do so as jaemin had picked up a habit of always looked at jeno's face to catch his reactions to everything. the blue haired boy usually expressed his emotions through his facial expressions rather than his words.

"i'll sleep on the couch, you can take my bed." jaemin shook his head at that.

"absolutely not, this is your apartment. i'm sleeping on the couch and you're not changing my mind, sunshine." jaemin grinned, satisfied when jeno sighed and nodded. jeno then yawned and jaemin checked the time.

"we should sleep now, jen. we have to head to work early." jeno nodded, feeling tiredness slowly take over him. jaemin smiled at the sleepy boy and placed a quick kiss on his forehead before walking over to the couch. jeno stared at the boy with a flushed face and wide eyes.

jaemin turned to face him and blew a kiss, chuckling at the boy's reaction. "goodnight, sunshine."

"g-goodnight." jeno mumbled before running into his room.

a/n: aw so cute *blocks myself*

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