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ten was the first to wake up and so he decided to cook breakfast for everyone. he let them sleep in, knowing they'd more than likely have a crazy night. it was donghyuck's party after all, shit was definitely going to go down.

donghyuck's parents had agreed to let him throw his party at their house and they'd stay at his apartment since a party in his apartment would get very claustrophobic very fast. plus, his parent's house was huge.

ten walked out of the spare room and saw the four sleeping boys on the couch in the exact same position. he smiled and gently lifted jaemin and changbin's heads to put a pillow under them. they had fallen asleep sitting up and he knew their necks were probably going to be sore.

he then headed into the kitchen where he started on the big breakfast. he lived with some boys who went to college with him so he was used to preparing large meals and was able to get accurate measurements.

he had almost finished when jeno started stirring in his sleep and eventually opened his eyes, squinting at the sudden light. he sat up carefully so he wouldn't disturb jaemin and rubbed his eyes before turning to see ten in the kitchen. he climbed off of the couch and headed over to ten, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"good morning, ten." ten smiled at the younger boy and gave him a quick hug before returning to the food. he didn't question the affection as he knew jeno was extra clingy and affectionate in the morning.

"morning, jen. how did you sleep?"

jeno sat on one of the stools and yawned. "surprsingly well considering i slept on the couch but jaemin is a comfy mattress." 

ten shook his head with a smile while jeno giggled and he began to plate the food.

"do me a favor and go wake everyone, jen." jeno nodded and hopped off the stool, going to wake the markhyuck couple first before waking changlix up. he left jaemin to sleep, making ten raise an eyebrow.

"i want to bring his breakfast to him." jeno smiled and ten nodded, handing him both jeno and jaemin's plated. jeno took them with an excited smile and rushed over to the couch. he plopped himself on to jaemin's lap, carefully holding the plates so no food spilled, and smiled when jaemin started to wake up from the sudden weight.

jaemin groaned and wrapped his arms around jeno's waist, burying his head into the older's lap. jeno blushed and he placed the plates on the couch next to him before playing with jaemin's hair in attempt to wake him up.

"nana, wake up. ten made us breakfast." jaemin let out another groan before hesitantly sitting up. jeno handed him his plate and jaemin took it with a tired smile while jeno took a bite of his own food.

"thank you, baby." jeno choked on the food he had just eaten and his eyes widened. ten rushed to get him some water while jaemin patted his back, now fully awake. the rest just laughed as they had all heard jaemin and found jeno's panicked state amusing.

jeno took the water from ten's hands and quickly downed it before mumbling a small thank you, avoiding jaemin's eyes. jaemin chuckled and continued to trace circles on jeno's back.

"did that make you shy, sunshine?"

"do you want him to choke again?" donghyuck grinned and jeno threw a pillow at his best friend.

"hurry up and eat, we should head to donghyuck's parents house as soon as possible to get ready and get the house ready." everyone nodded at ten's words and quickly ate their food.

"hyuck, will you do my makeup?" 

donghyuck was seated on the floor of his old room in his parent's house, applying light makeup to make his features stand out. he was surprised when jeno appeared at the door to ask him to do his makeup.

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