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as soon as people started to arrive, the party very quickly became chaotic. donghyuck was quite a popular person as he was likable and had no problem making friends so naturally, he had quite a few. friends of friends were also invited and so the house was full of people. 

jeno made sure he was close to at least one of his friends, not wanting to get lost in the never-ending sea of people. 

"jen, let's get a drink." jeno turned around to see donghyuck and nodded, following him into the kitchen. donghyuck grabbed two shot glasses, pouring a drink into both before handing jeno one. jeno looked at it before drinking all of it and he instantly regretted it. he looked at donghyuck with a disgusted look on his face as the liquid burned his throat.

"what is this?"

donghyuck smirked before downing another shot.


jeno scowled and put the glass back down, shivering from the taste. donghyuck laughed and filled jeno's glass again.

"trust me, it's worth it, for tonight anyways. you'll regret it in the morning but who cares." jeno looked at donghyuck, debating on whether he should drink more of the disgusting drink. donghyuck seemed to become more relaxed and he looked like he was enjoying himself so jeno gave in and continued to take shots with donghyuck.

the two then stumbled out of the kitchen into the large living room. they had moved the couches against the wall so there was more room for dancing and that's exactly what people were doing. donghyuck guided jeno into the middle of the room and the two danced together, giggling as they tripped and stumbled.

mark noticed the two from where he was sat with jaemin on the couch and shook his head, pointing to the pair. "they're already wasted."

jaemin followed mark's eyes to the friends and chuckled, knowing jeno had never gotten drunk.

"let them, it's jeno's first time properly drinking." mark nodded, knowing that was true. they let the two have fun together but kept an eye on them. donghyuck was always coming up with silly ideas and jeno was a gullible person so this usually ended in awkward situations. 

donghyuck spotted the pair on the couch and hit jeno on the shoulder to get his attention before pointing to mark and jaemin.

"our boyfriends are here, jen!"

"he's not my boyfriend-" jeno was cut off by donghyuck pulling his arm through the crowd, ignoring jeno's complaints. they headed over to the two boys and flopped next to them. donghyuck immediately climbed on to mark's lap, facing him with a smile. he had flushed, red cheeks from the alcohol and couldn't stop giggling, making mark's heart do all sorts of things.

"hi markie." donghyuck tilted his head and admired his boyfriend mark chuckled.

"hi hyuckie."

"do you want to be my boyfriend?" donghyuck whispered in mark's ear.

mark raised both of his eyebrows, looking at him boyfriend, amused. 

"i'm already your boyfriend, baby."

"oh you are? okay, but don't tell my boyfriend."

"and who's your boyfriend, hmm?"

"his name is mark too! he's super hot, you'd definitely know it's him." donghyuck lowered his voice near the end, nodding seriously. mark couldn't help but laugh and kiss donghyuck's nose.

meanwhile, jaemin was watching how jeno was fidgeting in his seat next to jaemin. he was playing with his fingers and kicking his legs, unable to stay still.

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