thirty one

233 11 3

'the coast is clear'

after reading the message from jisung, jaemin pocketed his phone and grabbed jeno's hand with a smile, locking their apartment door before heading downstairs to where sungchan was waiting for the couple.

today was the day jeno would finally meet all of jaemin's "co-workers", his gang. their rival gang had been suspiciously quiet so jaemin was hesitant to introduce his boyfriend but once he got the all clear from jisung, he decided to go ahead with it. 

"are they mean? will they like me? should i talk or act a certain way? i should act cool and mysterious, right?" jaemin stopped walking down the stairs and pulled the back of jeno's neck to kiss the rambling boy. once he felt jeno relax a bit, he pulled away and took the older's hand in his once again, leading the way to the car

"just be yourself, they'll love you." jeno nodded with pink cheeks and jaemin grinned, satisfied that he successfully shut him up.

they made it out to the car where sungchan greeted jaemin with a bow as usual before extending a hand out to jeno.

"good afternoon, sir. i'm sungchan, jaemin's driver." jeno shook sungchan's hand gently with a smile.

"please, call me jeno."

"as you wish." sungchan returned the smile and opened the car door for the pair, closing it after them before getting into the car himself. 

jeno looked out of the window, admiring the unfamiliar view. the gang's headquarters were quite literally in the middle of nowhere but easy to find if you knew where you were going. that didn't worry jaemin or any of the members though as they knew jaemin only let the best join them, meaning they had the best snipers, fighters, hackers, security - the best everything really. no smart person would dare mess with them.

jeno's jaw dropped as they turned an abrupt corner into a skinny road where he could see the building come into view. he had expected big, but this was massive. it was nothing like he had ever seen before and he didn't know whether to feel nervous or amazed.

jaemin noticed jeno's leg shaking and placed a hand on his thigh, catching jeno's attention.

"are you still nervous?"

jeno chuckled, leaning his head against the back of his seat.

"honestly, i don't even know what i feel anymore."

jaemin smirked. "that's the best way to feel."

sungchan parked in his usual spot and opened the door for the pair. jaemin got out first while jeno stopped, taking his phone out of his pocket after feeling it buzz.


please tell me you're not with jaemin right now


jeno scoffed, about to pocket his phone again after leaving the boy on read but another buzz from his phone stopped him.


jeno please just listen, get out of there right now


"are you coming, sunshine?" jaemin looked back inside to see jeno frowning at his phone.

"what's wrong?"

jeno shook his head and muted his phone, shoving it in his pocket before climbing out of the car.

"just donghyuck trying to scare me into leaving you, he must have somehow found out i came here."

jaemin's eyebrows furrowed, how did donghyuck know if jaemin made sure everyone kept their mouth shut about jeno visiting? not wanting to worry his boyfriend, he nodded and took jeno's hand, leading him into the building.

"good afternoon, jaemin." everyone immediately stood up to bow, not daring to look at jeno for too long.

"everyone, this is my boyfriend jeno. treat him well or you'll regret it." everyone gulped and nodded, sitting down once jaemin gestured for them to do so. jaemin pulled jeno over to one boy in particular.

"jeno, this is zhong chenle, the best hacker in all of asia. he controls my files and everything that goes on in here. he knows where everyone and everything is at all times." jeno's raised his eyebrows, clearly impressed. chenle chuckled and turned his computer screen around to show the older. he pointed at a green dot on his screen that had the initials "PJ" on it.

"this is where jisung is, in taeyong's office. as you can see, he seems to be pacing, probably terrified knowing jaemin brought you here." chenle giggled and jaemin rolled his eyes but had a small smile on his face.

"i'm not that bad, am i?" jaemin raised an eyebrow and chenle laughed louder, shaking his head.

"of course not, you and taeyong are great leaders." jaemin smiled at that and ruffled the youngers hair before waving goodbye, dragging jeno up to taeyong's office.

taeyong and jisung were in the middle of their own conversation when the couple walked in but immediately stood up to greet the boys.

"jeno, it's nice to finally meet you. i'm taeyong, i help jaemin out with everyone that goes on here." taeyong shook jeno's hand with a smile that made jeno feel warm inside, there was just something comforting about how the older spoke. 

"nice to see you again, jeno." jisung smiled and jeno smiled back, nodding.

"are johnny and jungwoo on their way up?" jaemin asked and taeyong checked his phone before nodding.

"they should be here any minute."

jeno furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember where he had heard that name before. before he could remember though, the doors opened to reveal exactly who they were waiting for and jeno's jaw dropped.

"johnny, what are you doing here?" johnny gave jeno a small smile, feeling bad that he had lied to jeno the whole time.

"he works for me, i asked him to watch you and become your friend. i'm sorry if you're upset, please understand it was to keep you safe from renjun." jaemin placed a hand on jeno's cheek, making the older look at him. jeno felt slightly disappointed but understood and appreciated how much the younger cared for him.

"plus, i'd still love to be your friend." johnny added with a grin, making the group chuckle.

"i'm jungwoo by the way, i don't think we've properly met." the other man bowed.

"well, we won't keep you too long. there's still lots to show jen-" jaemin was cut off when chenle burst through the doors in a panicked state, eyes wide and breathing heavily.

"huang renjun's gang, they're here."

a/n: happy birthday chenle ! although jeno is my 2nd ult now, it used to be chenle and i still love him so much, he's still one of my biases <3 i hope he has the best day ever

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