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Angst will be coming soon, my guys, but we've still got a few cutesy fluff oneshots first, hope that's okay!

The StarKid fam were having their usual Friday night movie marathon, and as per their binging had ran into the early hours of Saturday morning. Just like every week, someone fell asleep, and given that she'd woken up at 5:30am on Friday and hadn't slept at all since, Lauren was the selected victim for this weeks 'haha you feel asleep first' jokes.

The jokes weren't flying, though, because as Lauren's head rested on the arm of the couch, her legs stretched out a little behind her, she gripped on to the sofa, her brow furrowed. Her breathing hitched a few times, indistinguishable groans escaping her lips.

This worried her friends, given she was usually a sound sleeper and all of a sudden she was making noises and looking uncomfortable, they weren't sure what to do.

"What's up with her?" Brolden asked, furrowing his brow at her from across the room.

Julia frowned at the girl, swilling her drink around in her cup. "I think she's having a nightmare."

"Aww poor thing," Jaime cooed, yet still unsure of how she could help.

"What do you do when someone's having a nightmare?" Dylan questioned, his eyes full of sympathy as he looked at her.

"I have no idea..." Walker said, taking a sip of his beer as if it would help.

Joey returned from the kitchen with a bottle of water for himself and a lemonade for Jaime. He stretched across the coffee table and handed the girl her glass, before opening his water and taking a sip.

He looked at Lauren's sleeping figure, his heart hurting to see her distressed. She was knocked out cold, hair falling over her face, neck bent in what seemed to be quite an uncomfortable position that would later come back to bite her in the ass.

He took a seat next to her, dropping his bottle to the floor. Joey paused for a second to consider what he was about to do, then did it anyways. Teasing would definitely ensue, but oh well. He shuffled closer to her, then took her hand, wrapped an arm around her waist and shifted her so she was leaning on his chest. As soon as he let go of her hand, she subconsciously grabbed onto his shirt. He stroked her hair for a second, making sure he didn't wake her, before letting his hand drift down to her waist, rubbing patterns into her skin soothingly.

Lauren whined, her brows furrowing once more, mumbling something incoherently.

"It's ok, Lo, I'm here..." he shushed her, rubbing her shoulder gently. "It's ok."

Across the room, Jaime, Dylan, Joe and Julia watched quietly, Joey comforting her, Lauren hugging onto him for dear life.

"He treats her so good..." Jaime sighed, looking at the pair wistfully.

Dylan nodded, an arm loosely around Jaime's shoulders. "He's so gentle with her."

"Well she's tiny, he's tall," Joe chuckled, shrugging a little. "He probably thinks he's gonna break her."

"I don't get why he doesn't just admit he's in love with her," Julia said, pointing a finger at him discreetly.

"Same for Lo, all she does is talk about how great he is and it's like sweetie," Jaime babbled, making hand gestures as she talked. "He's available, he very much likes you back, go for it!"

"Exactly, but they won't listen to us," Joe sighed.

"We could do something?"

"Now is not the time, Jaims," Dylan shook his head at her jokingly. "Just let them be."


Given that they were slightly tipsy and barely four feet away from him, Joey had been listening in on their conversation. He wanted to tease his friends just a little bit more, so, very bravely, he planted a kiss in Lauren's hair, resting his head on hers for a second.

She stirred a little, nestling closer to him, causing Jaime to practically piss her pants.

Joey pretended to be clueless, looking around the room distractedly, then returning his attention to the girl in his arms, calming her of her nightmares.

𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 - 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐩𝐞𝐳 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now