𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐡, 𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞

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Decided to go for a fun one today, I kinda feel like this would either be these two or Lauren and Darren, minus the whole romance side obviously. Anyways, enjoy... hopefully.

Out of all the childish people in their friend group, Joey and Lauren took the top spot for the most immature college kids to ever exist, even over Brian Holden, which was saying a lot.

But the thing was, they never teased any of their other friends, they never behaved like teenagers without the other, they never spoke to anyone else the way they did one another.

It was constant bickering with those two, albeit playful and never serious. Always at each other's throats, picking on each other and making fun of each other. Always.

One day, an unusually sunny day over in Ann Arbour, a group of the StarKids were sat at lunch together, Jaime, Dylan, Darren, Julia, Joey and Lauren.

Lauren was talking to Darren about an assignment in theatre history that neither of them had any clue about, Julia trying to explain to them what the task was. Jaime and Dylan were chatting excitedly about an upcoming party at Walker's dorm. Joey was sat on his phone texting Brian and Corey, both of whom were stuck in boring ass lectures.

Lauren turned her head to see him glued to his screen, fingers typing rapidly. She grabbed the device from him and clicked it off, holding it behind her back.

"Lauren!" Joey whined, holding out his hand for his phone.

She smiled, pleased with herself. "Don't be so fucking ignorant, you're with your friends, look up from your phone every once in a while, prick."

"That was uncalled for, you bastard ass, but gimme it back I was talking to Bri and Corey," he pouted, slouching slightly.

"Talk to your boyfriends later!"

"You're so annoying..." he rolled his eyes, resting his head in his hands.

She rolled her eyes back. "So are you, loser."

Five minutes passed and Lauren still had Joey's phone, ignoring the tiny vibrations against her back as she concealed the device from it's owner.

"Seriously, Lopez, give me it back." Joey told her, holding out his hand once more, a stern but obviously fake look on his face.

"Make me."

As soon as those words left her mouth, Joey dived forward. Okay maybe dived is a bit too aggressive, he lunged forward? That fits.

He lunged across the bench, launching himself at her and attacking her sides. He tickled her, causing her to writhe and squirm in her seat, the other four ignoring their childish behaviour.

"I... hate... you!" Lauren breathed through fits of laughter, her eyes shut and her smile wide.

He smiled, too, feeling his fingers brush his phone. "Good, hate you too, boo."

Instead of grabbing his phone as soon as he felt it, he let his fingers roam her hips for just a few more seconds. He told himself he just wanted to see her 'suffer', but in reality both him and their friends knew he just wanted an excuse to touch her. Lauren wasn't complaining, though, Lord knows she secretly loved it.

Feeling his emotions creep up, he snatched the little device from her hands and smiled, scrunching his nose at her as she took deep breaths to calm down.

"Thank you for giving me my phone back," Joey said, smirking.

"More like you took it by force..." Lauren muttered sarcastically, sticking her tongue out at him as she ran a hand through her hair.

Just hours later, another one of their fits of immaturity occurred, in an empty drama room their group tended to use for studying, running lines and singing silly little songs with Darren's guitar.

Speaking of, Darren had decided to play Wonderwall for the nine hundredth and twenty second time that month, just to annoy his friends. But, regardless of how much they wanted to take that guitar and shove it where the sun don't shine, they sang along.

"Somebody's off pitch!" Joey joked, Darren laughing and almost dropping his guitar.

"It's probably you!" Lauren replied, in the exact same tone. "Also I don't care!"

The dark haired boy stuck his tongue out at her, receiving a middle finger and an eye roll, double trouble.

Meredith soon arrived with a few cups of coffee, and iced coffee for Lauren as she knew it was the girl's favourite.

"Oh my god, Mere, you're the best, marry me," Lauren thanked her friend, pulling her into a hug. "You're a ray of sunshine, really."

"It's nothing," Meredith grinned, patting Lauren's shoulder as she saw something. "You might wanna go save your coffee though."

The shorter brunette pulled away and whipped around, only to see Joey fucking Richter holding her coffee, taking big gulps.

"You!" She yelled, storming forward as he retreated back.

"Me!" He teased, holding the drink high above her head.

She pulled a face at him as she jumped up in an attempt to rescue her hostage coffee. "Gimme it, it's mine!"

"Make me!" Joey mocked her earlier words in a high pitched, silly voice.

"Are you fucking kidding me, dickhead?!" Lauren grinned, trying to internalise her laughter so he wouldn't win. "I want that coffee, so give me it!"

"Fight me."

Joey turned to walk away, but didn't get very far as Lauren launched herself at his back, grabbing on so if she fell, he fell too.

Luckily, he did not. He almost threw the coffee onto the table in front of him then grabbed her legs, tossing her around.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, making noises in his ear just like a bored 6-year-old would. Minus the sexual tension.

Their 'fight' continued for a good few minutes, screaming at each other with massive smiles on their faces, Dylan filming the pair and Jaime and Brosenthal making love hearts at them with their hands.

"Why doesn't he just buy you a coffee?" Julia suggested, loudly, giving the pair a questioning look.

"Oh..." Joey said, standing still for the first time in minutes.

Lauren loosened her grip on him and tilted her head at Julia. "That's not a bad idea. Buy me coffee."

"What's the magic word?" He asked, playfully sweet.


He craned his neck slightly to look at her, frowning and shaking his heading.

"Pretty please..." she pouted, almost timidly, avoiding eye contact.

He smiled, looking at her once more. "It's a deal then? 2 o'clock tomorrow. What'd you say?"

"I say sounds good," Lauren smiled back, resting her chin on his shoulder. "Gonna buy me a cupcake or a cookie or something?"

"Depends how nice I'm feeling... who am I kidding? That's totally dependent on your behaviour, be nice to me and I'll buy you whatever you want, you prick," Joey said, dropping her to the floor and holding his hand out for her to shake.

She nodded, taking it. "That sounds fair, you silly bitch."

They locked eyes for a few seconds whilst their hands were intertwined, but both looked away almost instantly as the heat started to rise in Lauren's cheeks and butterflies started to flutter in Joey's stomach.

Jaime shook Dylan's shoulder aggressively, incredibly invested in their friends' relationship. "They are childish, immature... and clearly in love!"

𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 - 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐩𝐞𝐳 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now