𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐧𝐨 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚

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⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️ : Mention of self-harm and scars, mention of toxic and abusive relationships, mention of anxiety attacks and panic dreams. This is the darker oneshot, I've read things similar to this and I enjoy writing more angsty things. I also think this is the longest onshot I've ever written, it's like 4500 words lmao. I don't know if you can enjoy this, but if you manage to, do vote and comment, tell me how I did <33

"We are gonna be late for this stupid dinner reservation if Lauren doesn't hurry the fuck up!" Julia panicked, pacing back and forth in the kitchen of Lauren's apartment.

Julia, along with Jaime, Meredith, Brian, Dylan, Walker and Joey, were waiting on Lauren to be ready so they could head out to a restaurant and a night on the town.

Miss Lopez had been in her bedroom for thirty minutes already and had seemingly made no progress.

Juli stormed forward, Joe attempting to pull her back but failing, and slammed her fists against Lauren's bedroom door. "Lauren! We don't have all day! Come on!"

"I'll be just a minute, I swear!" The girl called back. She sounded slightly out of breath, panicked and worried.

"That's what she said five minutes ago..." the other more annoyed girl sighed, strolling back to the kitchen island and taking a huge gulp of wine.

Brian rolled his eyes. "Women, am I right?"

"You spent forty five minutes on your outfit at home, you have no room to talk," Meredith smirked, poking her tongue out at him playfully.

"It's like the flirting never ends." Dylan smiled, mockingly, receiving a shoulder shove from Mere.

Julia tapped her nails on the island, restlessly, glancing at her watch every ten seconds. She sighed, her shoulders slumping dramatically. "Joey, could you please go hurry her along?" She looked to the brunette hopefully.

"Why me?" He asked, surprised.

"Because she listens to you, she's in love with you, we've been over this," she grinned, leaning on the counter.

"Stop saying she's in love with me, she only just got out of a relationship." He shook his head, before placing his beer down and wandering over to Lauren's room. "She doesn't even like me at all, so be shush."

The group descended into chatter about the two brunettes' stupidity as Joey knocked on Lauren's door. He received no reply, but thought nothing of it, so he opened the door.

"Joey- what the fuck?" Lauren almost shrieked, holding a shirt up to cover her chest.

Joey flushed bright red, squeezing his eyes shut and placing a hand over them. "Shit, Lo, I'm so sorry, I thought I was allowed to come in, I didn't know you weren't dressed, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you didn't know," she breathed. "Just close the door on your way out, please, and tell Julia I'll be like one more minute."

"Okay, will do, once again I'm sorry," he told her, hitting his head on the door frame as he backed out of the room.

"It's fine, see you in a minute, Joey," Lauren said, the smile audible in her voice.

He nodded, smiling blindly back at her. "See ya."

Joey closed the door, then pushed himself against it, letting out a deep breath.

"Well well well, looks like we have a peaker in our midst," Jaime grinned, swilling her wine glass.

"I didn't mean to, lay off," he waved the teasing away. As he got closer to the counter, he pointed at Julia. "Lauren said she'll be just a minute."

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