𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐭

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Okay, this oneshot sounds kinkier than it is, but I swear this is PG, there's just kissing. This oneshot was inspired by Joey and Phoebe from Friends, kinda stole the entire concept, tweaked it a little and threw Richpez in there cos why not? Enjoy if you can!

Joey walked into his friends' apartment, pouting and nervous.

"What's up, Joey?" Julia asked, watching him pace around the kitchen.

He stopped for a second as he realised everyone was looking at him. "So I talked to my agent and she said kissing is really important for this role I'm trying to land, but the director said after the audition, 'great actor, bad kisser'!"

"Work on your kissing skills then," Jaime shrugged, playing with her hair mindlessly.

"Girls? Help me, please?" He raised his eyebrows, pleadingly.

"No, I'm ok."

"I'd rather not."

"I have a boyfriend."

Meredith leaned into Brian's arms, smiling at Joey sarcastically. Dylan and Darren exchanged knowing glances, for whatever reason, as they saw a look of contemplation upon Lauren's face.

She stood up, sighing. "I'll do it."

"Really? Thank you, Lo, you're the best," Joey beamed, patting her shoulder as she came to stand next to him. "Take note, you guys, this is what a real friend looks like."

Brian and Mere both choked on laughter at that comment, confusing the two brunettes. They ignored it, and the pressing stares they received from everyone in that room.

"Let's get this over with," Lauren said, smirking a little and turning to face him.

Joey eyed her up and down, leaning back a little to look at her. "But you're so tiny... I'm gonna break my neck trying to kiss you."

"Well what the fuck do you want me to do? Stand on a chair?" She quipped, pointing to the dining table.

"Yeah maybe..." he mumbled quietly, avoiding her eyes as he felt the heat rush to his cheeks.

She laughed a little at his nervousness. "You know what, I'm in the right mind to walk out that door and never help you with an audition ever again... but I'm a nice person, so, just this once, I'm gonna bypass the short joke."

"It wasn't a joke I was just saying-"

"Bah bah bah, shut your pretty little mouth before you dig yourself a grave," Lauren warned, pointing a finger at him.

He blushed again, scratching the back of his neck. "Can you actually get a chair though I'm not sure how I'm supposed to do this."

"Like this-"

Lauren grabbed his face and pulled him down to meet her lips. The kiss was sweet but passionate, Joey's hands resting on her hips and her arms wrapping around his neck, comfortably. The group watched intensely as the two of them seemed to enjoy themselves a little too much.

She pulled away, quicker than he would've liked her too, and smirked at him, squeezing his cheek a little.

"You're a good kisser, but you let me lead too much," Lauren told him, now back on the soles of her feet and a few steps away from him. "Be dominant, Joey, you're the 'man' in the scene, right? Act like it. And don't be so scared, move your hands, touch my back, play with my hair, whatever you want. Be in control."

The way she carelessly gave him advice after kissing him like that... he couldn't fathom how unaffected she seemed by it all, while he was stood they staring at her, gormless, and hoping against all hope she'd grab him again and never let him go.

"Okay, uh- okay, yeah, thank you, I'll take note of that," he stuttered, fiddling with his thumbs as he looked at her with that goddamn smile.

She nodded, wiping her lips with her thumb. She took a few steps towards him, walking her fingers up his chest. "You're welcome... but you owe me, angel eyes."

He froze, his heart rate skyrocketing. Lauren was flirting with him, right? He wasn't just reading too much into it. I mean, judging by the look on his friends' faces, she was teasing him. She had to be. He hoped she was.

"I'll see you guys later for the movie, okay? I've got a couple errands to run," Lauren smiled, turning to her friends with an innocent face.

Darren smiled back at her, trying to read her but failing. "Okay, we'll see you later, Lopez."

"Alright, see ya," she winked, happily. She went to walk to the door, but stopped herself right at Joey's side. She placed a hand on his chest again, before dragging her fingers up to his lips and swiping her thumb slightly. "You've got my lipgloss on your lips, sweetie, wipe it off."

Lauren strutted away, shouting goodbye as she grabbed her purse and left, slamming the door shut behind her.

Joey stood still, shell shocked. Did she- was she- what?

"Can you explain to me what just happened? And don't leave anything out because I'm confused," he deadpanned, falling onto the couch next to Dylan and Jaime.

"Well, Joseph," Dylan smirked, getting an eye roll from the girl next to him. "I, personally, think she was flirting with you."

Everyone else nodded, smiles wide. "Agreed!"

𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 - 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐩𝐞𝐳 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now