𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐨

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"Look at me with my pigtails so tight, you'd think that I might explode, right?"

Jaime started off Ready To Go, Dylan sat staring at her as she sung. Joey and Walker stood on-stage, waiting for their cues, Brian next to Dyl, teasing the blushing boy for his heart eyes. Lauren and Meredith stood in front of the stage, watching Jaime and lip-syncing the lyrics.

"I gotta shake it up, let me hair down darlin'!"

Lauren shimmied over-dramatically, making Jaime and Mere laugh, and Joey stare.

When Clark had been giving out roles, seeing as Devin, Ali, Alle-Faye and Nick weren't there to sing their respective parts, Joey had insisted on casting Meredith as Vanessa. He only forced Clark to hand out lines this way as he knew that if he had to pretend to stare at Lauren adoringly, he'd zone out admiring her beauty and never zone back in again.

"I might be losing my mind, but there's one thing that I know!"

Both of the girls off-stage danced along with the lyrics, Lauren fluffing up her wavy hair as a way of 'losing her mind'.

Before he knew it, Joey heard his cue and started singing.

"Hey, Dick, does my hair look alright?"

"Hell yeah, buddy, you're a sight to see."

Lauren mouthed along with Dick's lines, smiling at Joey when they made eye contact.

He continued with his verse, watching as the two girls jogged up the stairs to get in position for Mere's little lipgloss move as Vanessa.

"What do you want from your kingdom, sire?"

As Lauren laughed at Joe's aggression with that line, Joey thought to himself, she's what I want, Joe, too bad she doesn't want me.

"I wanna take control! Hyoh!"

She stuck her tongue between her teeth, having always been a fan of that line and how Joey's voice sounded when he sung it, laughing once more at the 'warming benches' joke.


"Shit, she's comin' out that door..."

Joey's voice got softer as a spotlight illuminated Mere. Joe focused on 'Vanessa', however, Joey zoned in on Lauren. He studied her eyes, the way they lit up a whole room, the way she smiled, the way she looked at her friends with so much love and pride. Mere did her little wink, directing it right at Brian, and it was time for Joey's monologue... that he almost missed.

Walker elbowed him in the ribs, harshly, following his line of sight and gathering all the info he needed.

"Say yes, Vanessa, yes, I must confess of my obsession with your design. I will not rest, no, not unless I find a way to make you mine."

Joey's voice had always soothed Lauren during that softer little section, his happy sigh at the end brightening her day every time they rehearsed. Add on the way his voice harmonised with Joe's just a few seconds later, if she didn't know any better, she'd say she was falling in lo- no. She can't do that. It's Joey. It'd never happen.


"Hey, Vaness, OMG, would you guess that I'm not wearing undies today?"

Lauren grinned, pulling at the waistband of her shorts, making Jaime laugh. Tiff really was... someone.

"BRB, ciao ciao!"

The girls shuffled back, making way for Brian and Dylan, their signature duet making everyone in that room laugh.

The thing is, Dylan's natural voice/accent just added to the hilarity of The Old Snatch, and Brian definitely still had it in him to hit Flopsy's notes perfectly.

After some ridiculous lines, including one about lube, Vanessa and Tiff were back in the spotlight.

"Listen up, Vanessa, sweetie, I do this cause I care!"

"I know!"

"This is war, forget your peace treaty, justice is right over there!"

She pointed at Joey, causing the brunette to blush furiously. She smiled, waving at him. He waved back, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to seem cool.

The chorus rolled around, the whole cast on stage.

"My hormones are freaking out-"

Everyone made some sort of... pelvic gesture, Brian playfully biting his lip way too much. 

"And I think I'm gonna blow!"

Joey and Joe were back to back, Jaime next to them, Brian and Dylan next to her with folded arms, Lauren and Meredith last in line, peace signs at the ready.

"We're locked and loaded!"

"Oh so devoted!"

"Low and demoted!"

"Totes just toted!"

"We're finally ready, so ready to go!"

The group beautifully hit the harmony, impressing the band and themselves.

High fives and 'well done's' were shared out among the singers, including Joey and Lauren.

"You sounded great!" Lauren beamed, tugging at his hoodie sleeve.

Joey smiled back, running a hand through his hair. "Thanks, Lo! And you really know how to pull of Tiffany, huh?"

"We've all known a Tiffany," she smirked, rolling her eyes playfully. "One or two or six of em!"

The two continued to chat, oblivious to their friends exchanging gossip about them.

"Joey was staring at Lauren the whole time, she's basically his Vanessa at this point," Walker said, leaning on a box and watching the pair intently.

Meredith corrected him, stating, "Nuh uh, Joe, that would imply that there's someone better for him. I guess she's his Sally, but he views her as Vanessa because he really likes her and he knows that."

"Fair enough," he nodded. "They just need to get together already."

Dylan clicked his fingers, agreeing. "That whole damn song is about being 'ready to go', do they not get the message?"

"No, apparently not, and there is nothing more frustrating in the world than that." Jaime frowned, pouting a little as she so desperately wanted the two to be honest.

"We need a brand new game plan!" Brian sung, grinning.

Mere pointed at him, hopping from one foot to the other, excitedly. "That's it, a brand new game plan!"

"For what?"

The group directed their attention to Joey and Lauren, stood looking at the five, confused.

"Nothin'." Dylan offered them a coy smile, speaking in Tootsie's accent.

Joey shrugged, still confused, but smiled back. "Okay, weirdos."

The two brunettes returned to their conversation, now sat on the stage floor.

"Operation : Ready To Go, on three," Joe whispered, moving his hand to be in the middle.

Everyone placed their hands on top of one another, looking at Joe expectantly. "Okay, one, two, three-"

"Ready To Go!"

Authors note after the writing? How spontaneous of me! I just wondered if anybody would have any ideas of what I could write for a part two or three to this oneshot. It's kinda cutesy and I like it so, yeah. Thank you, kings, queens and your majesties!

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