𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡, 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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"Loopy Lauren is the funniest," Darren chuckled, smiling at the girl spinning around the kitchen.

Lauren had hurt her wrist, bad, doing gymnastics, but she'd taken way too many painkillers and was drugged up, amusing her friends as they waited for her to either return to normal or get tired.

To pass the time, the group (Darren, Walker, Brolden, Meredith, Jaime, Dylan, Joey and Julia) were asking her questions she either wouldn't normally answer or take seriously.

"Hey Lo, what do you think about Brian and Mere?" Dylan smirked, getting death stares from the two.

"Oh, they both need to grow a pair," Lauren giggled, voice wavering as she laughed. "Like just fuck already, everyone knows you're into each other. I've got a condom in my purse if you want it?"

"Lauren!" Meredith shrieked, going bright red.

The short brunette laughed maniacally, sending the rest of the group into a laughing fit.

"Next question," Walker started, eyes twinkling. "What do you think of your theatre history professor, Woodward?"

Lauren snorted before she even said her answer. "Aw he needs to smoke some weed!"

"Yes!" Julia yelled in agreement.

The stupid conversation continued for a few minutes, Brian and Mere still embarrassed. Until an opportunity came along to get the spotlight off of them.

"Lauren?" Mere asked, causing the girl to stop spinning once more.

"Mhm?" She smiled, politely.

She grinned, lacing her hands together. "Out of everyone in this room, who would you bang?"

"Joey." Lauren said, without a moment of hesitation or deliberation.

The brunette in question went bright red, much to the joy of everyone else in the room.

Lauren giggled, running a hand through her wavy hair. "Aww, is someone embarrassed?"

"Lo..." he pouted, avoiding her eyes.

"I'm kidding, JoJo, you're really cute when you blush," she winked, before sitting on the back of the couch and almost falling backwards onto it.

He chuckled, nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Look, he's gone so red!" Jaime squealed, tugging on Dylan's hand over aggressively.

"He must be really embarrassed," Brian started, getting a death stare from Joey. "Or maybe, he just really likes L-"

"Hey, stop teasing him, that's not a very nice thing to do," Lauren warned, pointing a finger at Brian accusingly.

"But you-"

"Ah! Don't be mean to my Joey!"

She felt her body and brain going back to normal... but, just for the fun of it, she thought she'd keep the Loopy Lauren act up just a little bit longer to see what she could pull off.

Lauren sat on the kitchen counter next to Joey, grabbing his arm and draping it around her shoulders. "You'll regret it if you're a meanie beanie."

"Thank you, Lo," Joey hesitated, swallowing heavily and letting out a shaky breath.

"What's up, JoJo?" She asked, turning to face him. "Why are you acting so nervous?"

"Noth- n- nothing," he stuttered, running a hand through his hair.

Lauren smirked, dropping the high act, not that he noticed. "Maybe this will help."

Before he could question her, he felt her lips on his. Almost without thinking, he reciprocated, placing a hand on her cheek and kissing her back.

They both pulled away, Joey's eyes sparkling. "You're not high, are you?"

"Not at all," she smiled, coyly.

He smiled back, leaning in. She gratefully accepted his kiss, smiling against his lips.

"Woo!" Jaime yelled, clapping.

Their friends erupted into cheers, glad Joey and Lauren had finally done something about their feelings. If the group knew all it took was a few too many painkillers, they would've drugged Lauren months ago.

Y'all are getting more than one today, cos I feel bad for forgetting! Also, there's a subtle Brooklyn Nine Nine reference in there, for anyone who knows and/or gives a shit! Anygays, hoped you enjoyed, vote? Maybe? Bestieeeee pleaseeeee?

𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 - 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐩𝐞𝐳 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now