𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝟐

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Can't decided whether soft boy Joey is my fave, or if sarcastic 'hate you' playfully Joey is better. Either way they're both the best... but soft boy Joey is just the cutest.

Jaime and Dylan shared a beanbag at the left end of the couch, Brian sat on said couch with Mere comfortably perched on his lap. Next to the pair, Lauren sat with her legs folded, Joey's arms wrapped around her waist as he slumped into her side, his head laid on his own arm. He slept soundly, almost. Julia, sat next to the sleeping boy, had her hand entwined with Joe's, who was sat cross legged on a wooden chair next to the couch.

Some random comedy played in the background, the conversations amongst the group quiet as to not disturb their resting friend.

"So where do you think Darren is right now?" Brian asked, glancing at his friends.

"Girlfriend's place?" Julia suggested, shrugging a little.

Dylan chuckled, playing with Jaime's hair. "He doesn't have a girlfriend, Jules, they broke up last week."

"See I really wanna say that he's studying, but," Lauren started, running her free hand through her hair, the other occupied in Joey's. "It's 10:30pm on a Friday so there is no chance in hell Criss is doing school work."

She didn't get any sort of reception or acknowledgement from her friends, causing her to roll her eyes as she knew exactly what was distracting them.

"They're so cute..." Meredith whispered, getting a nod from her boyfriend.

Jaime sighed, holding a hand to her heart. "Aren't they just?"

"I'm right here guys, I can here you," Lauren waved her hand around, wincing when she felt Joey stir from her movement.

He mumbled something under his breath, before holding her closer, nestling into her side gratefully.

Joe made puppy dog eyes at the pair. "He loves you so much, Lopez."

"Excuse me!" She whisper-shouted, eyes wide. "Joey doesn't love me, we're not dating, he's just tired from the all nighter he pulled yesterday cramming for his biology exam."

"And you know that because?" Brian prompted, looking at the brunette with a knowing smile.

"He texted me and asked if I was still awake, and I said yes, and he asked if I could call him because he was freaking out so I comforted him, there, you happy?"

"Almost," Julia smirked. "I just wanna test something, don't mind me."

She placed a hand on each of Joey's shoulders and pulled him away from Lauren, gently, but enough to evoke an unconscious reaction.

He groaned, his brows furrowing as he wriggled out of Julia's grasp. He returned to his position, his hands now under Lauren's shirt, subconsciously tracing patterns into her skin and making butterflies spring to life in her stomach.

"My experiment has brought about this conclusion," Julia folded her arms, wearing a proud smile. "Joseph Richter is very much in love with Lauren Lopez."

"Guys stop, he's not in love me, drop it, please?" She begged, her eyes sad.

"Okay..." Jaime sighed, pouting a little. "But we'll prove it one day."

Twenty minutes or so passed, more theories of Darren's whereabouts flying around, a lot of them completely illogical and highly improbable. The group fell into a comfortable silence, which was soon broken by the one sleeping member.

"No, don't, please..." Joey mumbled, quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Don't hurt her, please, I love her."

Lauren blushed bright red, all of her friends looking at her with smirks.

"He could be talking about anyone."

"Lo, I love you... please, let me have her," the boy murmured, his voice shaking as he fidgeted a little. "I need her... I can't live without her."

"God dammit..." she cursed, lacing one of her hands with his in the hopes he'd stop.

Meredith looked at her with raised eyebrows, prompting her. "Comfort him, Lo, he's clearly having a nightmare."

Lauren sighed, afraid she was going to wake him. She didn't want to admit it, but she loved having him close to her, and the fact he was mumbling about being in love with her only made her fall more.

"It's ok, JoJo, I'm here... I'm not going anywhere," she whispered, stroking his soft hair. "I-I love you too, sweetie, don't worry."

Jaime practically whizzed like a robot trying to internalise her excited squeals, Dylan wrapping an arm around her waist and shushing her.

Joey settled, his fidgeting and mumbling coming to a stop. He seemed at peace with his arms around her, and if he was awake, he probably would've cursed himself for giving away his feelings like that.

"We told you, you're soulmates," Julia muttered, patting Lauren's shoulder.

"Maybe we are..." she sighed, happily, looking down at Joey's resting figure. She craned her neck a little to press a gentle kiss to his hair, driving her friends crazy. "I do love him, a lot."

It seemed that when Joey woke up, he'd have a dream waiting for him, rather than a nightmare.

𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 - 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐩𝐞𝐳 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now