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My plots are a shitshow but here we are, I do apologise for the lack of updates over the past few days. I always remember to update at the most inconvenient times, like 11pm on a school night when I can barely keep my eyes open. Hehe. Enjoy if you can!

Dylan, Brian and Joe sat on the windowsill of a corridor, heads against the cold glass as they talked about some bullshit assignment they'd all left till last minute. Jaime, Julia and Meredith occupied the only chairs, talking about the upcoming production Darren would be writing music for and the Lang Brothers would be directing.

Lauren paced up and down the hallway, waiting for a certain someone. Eventually, five minutes later than he'd usually show up for the group's after school hang, Joey walked through the double doors at the far end of the corridor.

"Richter, in here, now." Lauren demanded, hand on the silver handle of a door leading into an empty drama room.

Joey sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Oh Jesus..."

"Good luck, Joseph." Brian said, hopping off the sill. "She's been angsty all day."

The brunette mentally prepared himself for what was about to come, their love-hate relationship familiar to them both. He pushed the door open, and Lauren had her back to him.

The drama room had black painted walls and a black floor, the only furniture in there being the teacher's desk. Joey peered out of the little rectangle of glass sunk into the door, seeing an empty corridor. Their friends had left them to it, probably off singing in a choir room somewhere.

He turned back round, and before Lauren could speak, he opened his mouth. "Lauren please don't yell at me a-"

Her shoulders shook, concerning him. She spun round, tears streaming down her cheeks, her hands shaking as she tried to stop herself.

"Oh Lo, sweetie, what's wrong?" He asked, taking her hands gently.

She tried to even out her breathing before talking. "You know that teacher that passed, Mrs. Houston, she was my history teacher."


"I didn't even know her that well, and it wasn't like she was my favourite teacher, but I've just been dealing with so many emotions lately and now they're all coming out and I really don't want them to," she babbled, her breaths fast and shallow.

He sighed, pulling her into his chest for a hug. She sobbed into his sweater, her legs trembling a little, causing him to pull away and fetch the teacher's chair. Sitting her on it, he grabbed her hand, then pushed her chin up softly.

"Why haven't you talked to me about this?" Joey asked, cautiously, his eyes warm and soft. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

"I know, it's just, we don't really have that type of relationship. It's complicated," she admitted, her tears ceasing, leaving her eyes a little red.

He smiled, softly, rubbing circles into the back of her hand. "Obviously it's complicated, in front of our friends, we hate each other, behind closed doors, the polar opposite. That doesn't mean I don't care about you, I care about you more than anything, Lo, just talk to me, say whatever you need to say, let it out."

Lauren spent the following ten minutes just talking, about all her problems and worries and concerns. Joey didn't interrupt her once, he just listened politely.

By the end of her little rant, he was sat against the back wall, Lauren in between his legs, his arms wrapped around her waist.

"I'm gonna miss you so much when I graduate," she pouted, leaning her head on his chest.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Lo, every day."

She let out a little sigh. "Do you think we'll stay in touch?"

"Of course," he chuckled, surprised at her query. "You're my best friend."

"Even over Brian and Corey?"

"Especially over Brian and Corey," he smirked, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Wow..." she giggled, blushing vigorously. "But we're not just friends, are we?"

"Oh no, obviously not, we make out and we hug and you've slept in my bed, I find it hard to believe all that is platonic." Joey answered, honestly.

"You always know how to make me laugh, JoJo," she smiled, gratefully.

"I love your laugh, and your smile, why do you think I try so hard?"

"You're such a sweetheart..." she hummed, relaxing into his arms, stroking his wrist with her thumb. "I really am gonna miss this. Sneaking around and poking fun at each other and your arms around my waist... I don't want it to end."

"It doesn't have to?" He suggested, tentatively.

Lauren scoffed, rolling her eyes a little. "Did you forget? You're a sophomore, Joey, I'm a senior, I go to college in the fall."

"Yeah, well, maybe we'll end up going to the same college..." he trailed off, eyes darting everywhere, not that she could see his nervousness.

"You're applying to UCLA, though," she reminded him, playing with his fingers a little. "I've already been accepted to UofM, in Michigan."

He looked down, resting his head on her shoulder a little. "Well, you've been talking so highly of them, so I checked them out. It looks amazing, I think you'll be really happy there, Lo."


"But, would you be happier if I came with you?" He quipped, squeezing her waist a little. "After I finish high school of course."

"Oh my god..." she trailed off. Lauren spun round, on her knees in between his legs, grabbing onto his arms. "You're gonna apply to UofM?"

"Anything for you, Lauren." Joey beamed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "And that place looks sick, I'd love to go there!"

"I can't wait! Oh my god, JoJo, you're the best!"

She threw her arms around his neck, his taking place around her waist as she hugged him tightly.

His eyes twinkled as she pulled away, his smile wider than ever. "Reckon we could be a real couple there?"

"Yeah, I mean universities don't have cliques, right?" She said, beyond excited. "And at that point I'm pretty sure all I'll want is you, so. I mean all I want now is you."

"You want me? How strangely romantic of you, Lo," he grinned, admiring her beauty.

"I'm the whole package, aren't I?" Lauren winked, pursing her lips playfully.

"Exactly, everything and more, princess."

She giggled as she neared his face, pressing sweet kisses to his lips. His hands drifted from her hips to wrap around waist, pulling her closer. He moved his legs so she could sit on his lap, one leg either side of him. Her arms came to rest comfortably around his neck, playing with the hair at the back of his head. They kissed for a few minutes, experiencing pure bliss for the first time in a while, before Lauren pulled away, resting her forehead against his.

"I love you, Joey Richter," she said, tentatively, her eyes shining with hope.

"I love you too, Lauren Lopez," he replied, smiling with such pure joy it seemed contagious.

Just as she was about to lean in and give him another kiss, a shout came from the door-


Lauren whipped her head around, Joey blushing red as a tomato.

There, at the door of the classroom, stood their friends, who had been waiting in the auditorium for nearing on thirty minutes and had gotten bored of waiting to go get pizza. Lauren decided to try her luck.


𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 - 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐩𝐞𝐳 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now