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really short one today my guys, cos i cannot be arsed. that's all. enjoy my 300 words of shite.

Joey and Brosenthal walked into rehearsals for Potter Musical, happy to be there for another few hours of running lines, but craving coffee.

The two dumped their backpacks among the pile of others belongings, coats, hats, scarves etc, and made there way over to a table housing a crappy old coffee machine, talking animatedly about Pigfarts.

Across the room, Lauren was stretching, pulling her leg behind her head and holding on to the wooden bar beside her with her spare hand.

Joey took his coffee and wandered over, Brian not far behind, smirking as he watched her move like rubber.

The short brunette effortlessly slid down into the splits, grabbing her right ankle with her right arm and stretching her torso, repeating that action with her left side.

"Okay, we get it," Joey smiled, watching in awe as she whipped her legs round and pushed up into a bridge, smiling at him upside down. "You're Elastigirl."

"I bet you wanna be her Mr. Incredible," Brian mumbled under his breath, instantly taking a sip of his drink as Joey went bright red.

The taller boy elbowed his friend in the ribs, harshly, chuckling awkwardly when he met eyes with Lauren.

"All it takes is practice, Richter," she stood up, shaking herself off and running a hand through her hair. She moved forward, close enough to him that she could her his heartbeat, and she walked her fingers up his chest. "You just gotta be more... flexible."

Her voice dropped down to a whisper with her last words, her eyes dropping down to his lips more than she would care to admit.

Lauren smiled slightly, biting her lip, before walking away to join Devin and Jaime across the room.

Joey let out a breath, turning to watch as she left, unable to process what just happened.

"She really likes you, man," Brian clapped a hand to his shoulder, shaking him a little. "Go for it, you'd make a cute couple, and lord knows you're in love with her."

Joey chuckled, his face heating up. "God help me."

𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐲 - 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐩𝐞𝐳 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now