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The priests were continuously chanting mantras and pouring ghee into the yagna fire. One royal man, who had crossed his middle-age, was staring in the direction of the sky with his eyes which depicted his nervousness. His queen was besides him to support him and to see to his need. The public, consisting of women and  men, were standing on that venue to witness something truly great and magical. Besides that, they depicted their loyalty to the king. The priests kept on chanting mantras and the tall and royal man kept praying to God to grant his wish.

The sky thundered. The trees were swaying due to the wind. The king and his queen were truly anxious now to see their future. Fire god Agni was ready to carry out his duty which Lord Mahavishnu had given him. Even gods were waiting to witness this moment. A holy voice came from the fire letting out many sparks. "Oh King Drupad, you have pleased the gods with your yagna and due to your service towards gods, finally we are fulfilling your wish. We are bestowing one valiant son on you who will fulfill your wish of winning with Dronacharya". Out of the fire stepped one young and tall man in the garb of one warrior who was quite fascinating. He came infront of Drupad, knelt and touched his feet and then his mother's feet. "Pranipaat Pitashri! Pranipaat Matashri! I have come to fulfill your wish. I will slay Dronacharya, one who has humiliated you and your dignity." "I am proud of you my son. You only will fulfill my wish", said Drupad, who gave one hug to his son.
Drupad's only wish was to slay Dronacharya, who had once  humiliated him with help of his students who were royal princes of Hastinapura. The priests gave one suggestion to their King to name his son Dhristadyumna meaning "one who was truly endowed with splendour". The women and men of Panchal shouted pleasantly to welcome the son of Drupad, who was now their prince. As all were going back to their respective dwellings, the fire spluttered and all were surprised.

From the fire, arose one young and dark woman who stepped out of that fire

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From the fire, arose one young and dark woman who stepped out of that fire. She was beautiful, with lotus-like eyes and transcendental light which surrounded her when she came out from the fire. One voice again came from that fire, "You did not wish for her Drupad, but this is one gift of gods to you. Raise her as your own child and one day, she will make you proud as her father. She is partial manifestation of five goddesses, born only for establishment of truth on Bhuloka." Hearing the voice of Agni dev, the citizens of Panchal happily saluted their princess who was now praying to her father. "Salutations to you Matashri! Salutations to you Pitashri!" she said to Queen Prishati and Drupad. Queen Prishati gave her one hug and her father, endowed with pride said to her "Oh noble lady, I'm pleased to be your father. Your brother and you will fulfill my wish and rule Panchal."

That king then asked the priests "Would you name her Oh revered persons?" Those learned priests said "The gods themselves have sent this woman to you

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That king then asked the priests "Would you name her Oh revered persons?" Those learned priests said "The gods themselves have sent this woman to you. You are known to be Yagnasena, Oh king, thus, your daughter must be named Yagnaseni. She is dark and beautiful, therefore, let her be known as "Krishnaa"- one who is dark and as she is your daughter she would also be known as "Draupadi"-one who is daughter of Drupad. Let she forever keep you pleased Oh king." Finally she was named via those priests and her father, mother and her people, were pleased to have her in their kingdom."

Queen Parshati said to Draupadi and Dhristadyumna "My dear children! Meet your brothers Satyajit and Shikhandi. They will forever love you and also help you. Help each other my children!" That tall man standing near Parshati said "I welcome you Oh Draupadi and Dhristadyumna! I am Shikhandi." Draupadi touched her feet saying, "Oh brother Shikhandi, I am pleased that I'm your sibling. I will forever try to make you pleased." Dhristadyumna greeted  Shikhandi, then greeting Satyajit. Finally they all went to their palace.

 Finally they all went to their palace

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