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12 years had already gone for Draupadi and Pandavas who were staying in Kamyaka forests listening to order of Kauravas. Krishna had been of help to them as he told them news of Hastinapur and what Duryodhan was planning to do. Pandavas had come to know through Krishna that Duryodhan had done one great yagna with help of Karna and his other brothers. He had made other kings to pay tribute to him and they had to pay him irrespective of their wish.

Now Pandavas had to be disguised in their 13th year of vanvaas as if Duryodhan discovered them prior to end of this year, then he would rule for another 13 years with his brothers. They were sitting and discussing what they must do to stay disguised from Duryodhan for one year. Yudhisthir was pondering which kingdom they must go.

"Which kingdom must we go Yudhisthir Bhraata? We can't go to Dwarkapuri as Duryodhan knows that Krishna is our ally and he will come there and catch us", Arjun said to Yudhisthir while Draupadi was listening to their talk and serving them some rice.

"We can't go to kingdom of our other wives like Chedi or Manipur or Kashi as Duryodhan may reach there to catch us" Sahadev said to him.

Yudhisthir thought and finally said "I know one kingdom where Duryodhan would not suspect us. We will go to Matsyadesh where pious king Virat and his dear queen Sudeshna rule. We will have to be disguised and stay in King Virat's mansion for one year to keep us safe from Kauravas.

Draupadi asked him "As whom must we disguise?" Yudhisthir said "We will have to be disguised as few workers in King Virat's kingdom. I will be Kanka who is the game entertainer. Let Vrikodara be Ballava the chef and let Arjun teach dancing techniques to Virat's daughter Uttara, disguising himself as Brihannala who will be a eunuch. Nakul is nice in tending horses, Sahadev is best in tending cows. Let Nakul be called Granthika and Sahadev be Tantipala."

"Who will I be Arya?", Draupadi curiously asked to him.

"You can be Sairandhri who is the royal queen's hairdresser", Yudhisthir replied to her.

Draupadi was reluctant to be some one's hair dresser but she knew if she did not do this, then Duryodhan would catch them. That is why, she said yes to all Pandavas.

Pandavas their weapons in a tree and then proceeded to Matsyadesh with Draupadi.

Going to King Virat's mansion, they went to his court with his permission and Yudhisthir introduced all of them. He said "My greetings to King Virat of Matsyadesh who is known to be pious among kings and wise among men. I am Kanka the game entertainer, this is my brother Ballava who is a chef, these are my brothers Granthika and Tantipala, who take care of cows and horses. Brihannala met us when we were proceeding towards your mansion. She requested us to take her to you as she is a skilled Nrityanganaa and she wants to teach dancing techniques in your mansion to all lady residents. This is Sairandhri our close relative, who is the best hair dresser in Aryavarta. We seek work in this kingdom Oh King."

Listening to him, Virat was pleased as he had got workers for his mansion and readily said yes to them. Thus, Pandavas started working in Matsyadesh and Draupadi was working as Sairandhri of Queen Sudeshna who was King Virat's wife. Many days went for Pandavas and Draupadi in Matsyadesh where they were working for King Virat and Sudeshna.

 Many days went for Pandavas and Draupadi in Matsyadesh where they were working for King Virat and Sudeshna

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Kichaka was commander-in-chief of army of Matsyadesh and was brother of Sudeshna. He had great importance in Virat's court and his life. Matsyadesh could not win any war without Kichaka and therefore, he was most respected.  But he was lustful towards women which he loved and got infatuated with. Draupadi knew about evil men preying upon her features. That is why she had met Sudeshna and told her that she would not show her face to any one. She would be completely veiled. Sudeshna said yes to Draupadi's wish.

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