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Duryodhan had not gone yet to Hastinapur and was staying in Indraprastha. He marvelled when he saw Yudhisthir's power and Indraprastha mansion which one skilled architect Mayasur had made for all Pandavas. Yudhisthir was discussing something important with his brothers and Krishna while Queen Draupadi was sitting in her chamber with Krishna's maharanis. There were many magical items and illusions in that Mayasabha which Mayasur had specially made. Duryodhan was not aware of those magical illusions. As he was walking towards Indraprastha's assembly, he saw one crystal floor and thought there was water there therefore he lifts up his lower garment to not get wet due to water which was worth laughing. Vrikodara started laughing. Duryodhan ignored Vrikodara. When he was walking towards Pandavas, he thought there iwater there and he did not even realise when he tripped into the beautiful fountain of water which was another illusion. His clothes were wet due to him falling into the water of that fountain. Those Pandavas had seen him falling and getting wet. Arjun and Vrikodara, with Nakul and Sahadev started laughing. Krishna also laughed with them. All maidservants of that mansion giggled towards Duryodhan, thus insulting him. He was angry and insulted.

Yudhisthir was that only Pandava who did not laugh upon Duryodhan

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Yudhisthir was that only Pandava who did not laugh upon Duryodhan. He had pity upon him and ordered his maids to give him new clothes to put. After putting new clothes he angrily went away from Indraprastha. Yudhisthir had tried to stop him, but his pleas were of no use. Duryodhan came back to Hastinapur where Dhritarashtra, Vidur and Bhishma had already returned. He went to Shakuni and said "I can't see Yudhisthir prosper Oh Mamashri! Do something Mamashri. I want to win with those Pandavas who laughed upon me. I want revenge from them." Shakuni gave one grin and said "Do not worry dear Duryodhan, I have thought of one excellent plan to show that Yudhisthir his place! We will call Yudhisthir to play Dyut khel. He is fond of gambling. He will come to Hastinapir and play Dyut with you, but we will make him sip wine, which will make Yudhisthir weak in thought and you will win his kingdom and property. I will help you my dear Duryodhan." Duryodhan was pleased with his dear uncle Shakuni's plan.

Draupadi was not aware of this vicious plan of those Kauravas. Meanwhile, Krishna had gone to his kingdom Dwarka. One royal message was sent to Indraprastha which invited Yudhisthir with his brothers and his wife Draupadi to Hastinapur to play Dyut game. Duryodhan was waiting for Yudhisthir to come and play Dyut with him. He had already called Karna to Hastinapur and told about this game to Dhritarashtra and Dronacharya. Vidur did not like this idea as he knew that Duryodhan was up to something. But he had no say in this. Draupadi, after hearing what was written in that invitation was alarmed and started explaining Yudhisthir not to go. "Arya, that Duryodhan must have planned something vicious against you. Why would he call you for Dyut now? Something is fishy in his words and he must have planned something. Do not go for gambling, Dyut is not nice Arya." "Draupadi is perfectly correct Jyestha", Vrikodara tried to explain his brother Yudhisthir not to go. Yudhisthir said "I also do not want to go there Oh Vrikodara and dear Draupadi! But this royal message has to be given some respect according to Dharma. I must go with you all to uncle Dhritarashtra's assembly. Will you not come with me and respect my decision?" Draupadi had to respect him and go along with her husbands to Hastinapur despite of her telling them not to go. They reached Hastinapur where Gandhari, Dhritarashtra and Duryodhan were there to welcome them. Gandhari led Draupadi to one chamber where she could sit peacefully and Yudhisthir with his brothers, was in the assembly.

Draupadi did not know what was going to take place in some time. If she knew, she would have not let Yudhisthir come.

 If she knew, she would have not let Yudhisthir come

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