Rishi's instructions.

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Those Pandavas lived in Kamyaka with Draupadi. Yudhisthir met many maharishis and yogis who used to guide him how one must live in forests and how he must be satisfied with what he had. One day, Maharishi Markandeya came to their hermitage. He was telling Yudhisthir about what he must do after 13 years of toil. He said "Yudhisthir! You must plan for war once these 13 years are done and win with all Kauravas. Thus, you will get back your kingdom." But Yudhisthir said to him "Oh wise Rishi! I know that I can get my kingdom only via war but I do not want to win with my own relatives. How can I slay all my cousins? Will this be correct Oh noble Rishi?" Rishi Markandeya was pleased with Yudhisthir's noble behaviour and said "You are truly one gem among all men dear Yudhisthir! To win with Kauravas will not only give you your kingdom but will also be beneficial for Aryavarta. There are many evil kings in Aryavarta. You are born to slay them and rule upon Bhuloka for many years peacefully with Yagnaseni and your brothers. Do not think about how you will slay your cousins as they are not worth your prowess."

Rishi Markandeya noted that Yudhisthir wasn't convinced properly. He further said "Remember Sri Rama. When his wife Sita was taken away via Lankapati, he did not wait and say that he can't slay one learned scholar of music and arts. He had to slay Ravan because snatching some one's wife is one sin and Ravan had to pay for his sin. Therefore, you do not think who Duryodhan is to you. Declare war because you need to establish truthfulness." Listening  to Markandeya Rishi's statement, that noble Yudhisthir was convinced. He said "Now I will take revenge from those Kauravas for insulting my wife. Let them live peacefully  for these 13 years and then, they will see our prowess." Markandeya Rishi was pleased that Yudhisthir had recognized his duty towards Aryavarta. Draupadi, who was listening to this, was relieved. She would never let those Kauravas live peacefully forever after what they had tried to do to her.

Markandeya Rishi called all Pandavas and said "All these years you will have to acquire special weapons from Gods. Arjun must try to acquire Pashupatastra from Lord Mahadev which would help him slay any warrior who is superior. Vrikodara must get blessings of his brother Hanuman who is also the son of Lord Vayu. His blessings will help you for your war with Kauravas. Now I must leave  Oh sons." Markandeya Rishi went to his own hermitage."
He went to his own hermitage. Arjun and Vrikodara went near Draupadi. "You must have been listening what Rishi Markandeya said to us. We will have to leave from here inorder to seek blessings from Lord Hanuman and Lord Mahadeva. Take care Draupadi. And be pleased." She had tears in her eyes but she managed to say "I will pray that you must get success in your goal." She did not like her husbands going far from that hermitage inspite of her anger towards them.

But Yudhisthir along with Nakul and Sahadev were there in that hermitage. They would not leave alone their Panchali. Many days went and after days of penance Arjun finally got Pashupastra from Lord Mahadev and Vrikodara got blessings from Lord Hanuman who made one promise to help him in war time. Arjun and Vrikodara got success for what they had gone. Their wife was waiting for her beloved husbands. Vrikodara and Arjun came back to Draupadi. She was very pleased as she saw them come in her hermitage. Yudhisthir after welcoming them, sat talking with them for 30 minutes and later asked them to meet Draupadi. Draupadi was teary eyed upon meeting her husbands. She was pleased as they were back near her.

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