Arjun marries Ulupi and Chitrangada.

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Arjun stepped into the water of Ganga river to bath but some one dragged him into the waters. He tried to see who that was and was surprised that one beautiful lady was  dragging him. She had taken him to one palatial mansion. Arjun could not see properly in the water and his eyes closed. His consciousness faded and he fell. That beautiful lady dragged him to her bed and laid him there and started fanning him. After some time, Arjun woke up and sat upon the bed. "Who are you dear woman? Why did you drag me to this place" he asked her.

"My name is Ulupi and I'm one Naga princess. This is my father's palace. This is my beautiful chamber where I live. I saw you from water and your handsomeness brought me to surface of water and therefore, I dragged you and brought you to my palace. I unmarried and I seek you Oh Arjun" she said to him. "You know who I am? How come you know my name?", Arjun asked surprised. That woman said "We are Nagas and we have such power to know humans." She further said "I know you will not want to marry me because your first wife is Draupadi. Via my magical power I know about your wife and that she is married to all your brothers. I won't let you go from here until you marry me. I'm requesting you noble man, marry me." Arjun thought for some time. She would not let him go further without wedding her. That is why he said yes and married her. Ulupi's father, the Naga king happily blessed them. Ulupi and Arjun had some special moments for that night and next day, Arjun told her that he would like to leave now. She did not prevent him this time. "I would wait for you Oh Pandava! When you think I must be with you, call me there noble man. I will be there forever for your help my love." Arjun gave one hug to her and with her help he came out of the waters. He proceeded further to other destinations.

He went to mountain range of Himalayas. He went upon hermitages of various ascetics. He loved those quiet surroundings. He travelled for some days and reached Manipura. One valiant king named Chitravahana ruled Manipura. When Arjun reached the royal mansion of Chitravahana, he saw one young lady roaming in the garden. That woman was like one Goddess and she was flawlessly beautiful. With her maids she went into her palace. He went to the king of Manipura. The king upon knowing that he was Savyasachi(Parth), went himself and welcomed him. "Welcome to Manipura revered Arjun" he said to him. "Manipura is truly beautiful Oh noble king. But more beautiful is that lady whom I saw into your garden. I wish to marry her and make her mine", Arjun said hesitantly to him. Chitravahana said "You saw my beloved daughter, named Chitrangada. She is named upon the madhulika flower. I have made her my Putrika which means that she is like my son. There is no one besides her who can carry forward our lineage dear Savyasachi." He said further that "You can marry my daughter if you agree to my thought that you will have to wait here until one son is born to you and Chitrangada. Chitrangada's son from you will rule this kingdom of Manipura. Do you agree?" Arjun readily said yes to King Chitravahana.

 Do you agree?" Arjun readily said yes to King Chitravahana

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Arjun married Chitrangada. She was beautiful and flawless. She knew he was married to Draupadi and she did not seem to mind that. She lived pleasantly with her noble husband Arjun in Manipura. Three years went and finally Chitrabagada's son from Arjun was born to her. Her kingdom was happily celebrating. All were pleased that she was Mata of one son. Arjun had to leave Manipura as he had told her father. She was sad but could not say any thing to him. He had fulfilled her father's wish of one son. She gave him one hug. He gave her one kiss, caressed his son and finally went from Manipura. This was his 12th year after which he could come back to Indraprastha. He went towards Dwarka. He thought of meeting Sri Krishna once. Dwaravati was quite beautiful and mesmerising.

 Dwaravati was quite beautiful and mesmerising

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Arjun went towards Krishna's palace. "Welcome noble Arjun" Krishna said and welcomed him into his own chamber and made him sit upon one seat of gold. "My dear Rukmini! Get some meal and water for my friend", Krishna told his queen Rukmini who herself like to get meals for guests. She greeted Arjun and gave him delicious rice with curds and vegetables including rice pudding and sweets. Arjun ate to his satisfaction. Then he was walking with Krishna in his garden. While they were talking he saw one beautiful lady. She was collecting flowers for worship of Mahadev with her friends and was waking in the garden. Arjun was mad after he saw her beauty. Krishna noticed this. "You like her?" he asked Arjun while smiling to him. "Yes Madhav. She is very beautiful lady. Who is she?" Arjun replied Krishna while he was engrossed in her beauty. "My sibling Subhadra" Krishna replied to him. "I would be glad if you would marry her. My brother Balaram fixed our beloved Subhadra's wedding with Duryodhan. But I will like if Subhadra marries you instead of that Duryodhan." "Would Subhadra like me Madhav?" Arjun asked him. "You must not worry about that Arjun! Subhadra would love you very much dear", Krishna said to Arjun who was now relieved.

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