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Krishna went to his sibling Subhadra who had completed her worship to Mahadeva. "Subhadre, I want to talk to you" he said to her. "Anything important Bhratashree?" Young Subhadra said to her brother Krishna. "You must be knowing dear that Dau has fixed your wedding with Kaurava Duryodhan. However I wish you would marry Arjun who is my dear friend. He is a Pandava and is here in Dwarkavati to meet me. He is going to go back to Indraprastha. He is in your love dear Subhadre. He has one wish to marry you" Krishna explained her. That bold and beautiful lady had not expected this from her brother. "Where is Arjun Oh Bhrata?" she asked him. Krishna led her to the chamber where Arjun was meditating near the Narayan temple. She saw him as one ascetic sitting beneath one tree, who was quite handsome, with his body features like gods. She fell in love with that man. "Do you like him Subhadre?" Krishna mischievously asked her. "N...No.....I mean Yes Bhrata, I like this man" she blushed and said while she was shy. "Do not worry Subhadra. Tomorrow is your wedding with Duryodhan and tomorrow itself, Arjun will marry you dear Subhadra" Krishna assured her. Subhadra knew that her brother had the wish that she must marry Arjun and she also had started craving for him.

When Subhadra went to her palace, Krishna described Subhadra's feeling to Arjun who had now decided to take her away upon the chariot to Indraprastha. Next day, Duryodhan and Shakuni with his brothers had come to Dwarka. Duryodhan was pleased that he would get support of Dwarka. Then he could win with the Pandavas. Meanwhile, Arjun got his chariot ready and as instructed via Krishna he mounted his chariot and went to that place where Subhadra would marry Duryodhan. Subhadra was dressed in red. She was praying to Krishna that Arjun must come and take her away. Balaram and the other Yadavas were present upon that venue and Duryodhan saw his to be wife Subhadra who came there with her maid. But suddenly, Arjun came upon his chariot and swiping Subhadra next to him, rode in the direction of Indraprastha. "Catch him, he has taken my bride!" Duryodhan shouted and Balaram was very angry upon Arjun for forcefully abducting his beloved Subhadra. Some Yadavas ran to catch him, but no one could catch Arjun! "I will not let that Arjun stay alive!" Balaram angrily said staring towards Dwarkadhish. "Do not get angry Dau. I supported Arjun to carry her away. Besides she had some love feeling for him. She herself was not pleased with her wedding with Duryodhan", Krishna explained his Dau. Balaram proclaimed "So now when Arjun has taken away Subhadra, its beneficial if we do not say any thing about this. From now our Subhadra belongs to him. And if she marries some Pandava or any one among Kauravas, does that make any difference? She would now also be called as Kul Vadhu of Kuru household." All Yadavas listened to Balaram and stopped running towards Arjun's direction. Balaram and Krishna were both pleased that Subhadra was married to valiant Arjun and sent gifts to him via some servants.

But Duryodhan was not going to give up. "I will take revenge from those Pandavas Oh Mamashri!" he said to his evil and witty uncle Shakuni. "Definitely dear nephew", Shakuni told him. Shakuni only had made Duryodhan and his brothers against Pandavas. Meanwhile, Arjun married Subhadra while going to Indraprastha. But now he was worried about Draupadi. She must be waiting for him and when she will come to know about his wedding with Subhadra, she would be angry and would cry. He decided to go to her chamber first upon reaching Indraprastha and pacifying her. He sent word to Yudhisthira that along with Subhadra, he would come to Indraprastha. Yudhisthir was pleased to know that Arjun had come back to Indraprastha. Draupadi's wait would now come to end. Her eyes had tears of happiness when she came to know that Arjun was returning. But she felt cheated when she realised that he had married Subhadra. She refused to come out of her chamber to welcome him. Arjun reached his palatial mansion. He and Subhadra came near the entrance. Mata Kunti blessed them and gave one hug to Subhadra. Brother Yudhisthir embraced Arjun and all Pandavas were smiling and standing near Arjun with flowers and sweets. "Welcome home dear Subhadra devi", Yudhisthir welcomed her. She touched his feet and Vrikodara's feet for their blessings. Then Kunti led her to her chamber which was decorated beautifully.

 Then Kunti led her to her chamber which was decorated beautifully

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Arjun went to Draupadi's chamber. He saw that Draupadi was weeping and lying upon her bed. "I'm back Draupadi" he said lovingly. "Why have you come to me Oh husband of Subhadra? Go to her. Do not come near me. You were mesmerised with Vasudeva's sibling which means you were not that pleased with me. Go to her Oh Arjun!" she said angrily while her eyes dripping tears of displeasure. Arjun felt sad for her. He went to Subhadra's chamber. "Is Draupadi didi fine Oh Arya?", Subhadra asked him. He described Draupadi's meeting with him and expressed his grief upon this. "Do not worry Arya, I will try to explain didi", Subhadra said to him. Arjun came up with a plan which would melt Draupadi's anger for him. He told Subhadra to put the clothes of a cowherd girl and then introduce herself to Draupadi. Subhadra did what was told to her. She went to Draupadi's chamber in the clothes of one cowherd girl. "May I come in didi?", she politely asked Draupadi. Draupadi wiped her tears and said "Yes you may come in." Subhadra introduced herself to Draupadi. "I'm Vasudeva's sibling Subhadra, who has married Pandava Arjun who is your husband. I'm forever to your service my queen! If you think our Arya will not love you more, then you are mistaken. He loves you more than any of his wives and only you are his beloved one. Forgive me if I angered you Oh didi!", Subhadra said while sitting near Draupadi's feet. Draupadi realised that Arjun only must have sent Subhadra dressed as a cowherd girl to show that he would forever value Draupadi more than any one and Subhadra would be loyal and devoted to her. Draupadi's anger melts away after she saw how Subhadra's kindness.

She asked Subhadra to sit besides her like her sibling and not like servants. "Subhadre! I'm pleased with how you politely conversed with me knowing that I'm angry with your marriage. I was angry on my Arya, not you. You are Krishna's sibling and therefore, you are special to me. Welcome to Indraprastha dear Subhadra. Your Arya has managed to carry out his plan of melting my anger perfectly", Draupadi said and gave hug to Subhadra. Subhadra happily conversed with Draupadi and after 1 hour both of them came to Arjun who was sitting with his brothers. "Everything is fine now Arya", Subhadra told him. "So your plan was perfect after all" Draupadi said to him while smiling lovingly. "I'm relieved that you are fine Draupadi" Arjun said and Mata Kunti blessed them all.

 "I'm relieved that you are fine Draupadi" Arjun said and Mata Kunti blessed them all

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