Suthanu and Shrutakarma.

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Arjun was pleased to meet his nephews Prativindhya, Sutasoma, Satanik and Shrutasen. He would sit and talk to them and give them gifts and presents. He started teaching his nephews, archery skills. Draupadi and Subhadra lived happily and supported their husbands. After some months, Draupadi gave special news to Arjun that she was pregnant. Arjun was very pleased that his first child was from Draupadi. Sweets were distributed. Mata Kunti was eagerly waiting for her grandchild from her beloved daughter-in-law Draupadi.

Draupadi and Subhadra were exactly like siblings. They used to sit with each other and chat for some time everyday. Sometimes, they used to go for strolls and picnic. Arjun was fortunate that he had two wives like goddesses. After nine months, Draupadi's son was born and gave only happiness to his parents. He was named as Shrutakarma. Subhadra was two month pregnant that time. Duryodhan was thinking of ways to take the kingdom of Pandavas away from them but did not get any way to do that. Karna also did not like the Pandavas getting more prosperous and lavish. Pandavas were not aware of this nor was Draupadi.

With time, Yudhisthir's daughter Suthanu was born in Indraprastha to Draupadi. Suthanu was the first daughter of Yudhisthir and Draupadi. All her brothers loved Suthanu very much. She was Draupadi's favourite child and was close to Subhadra. Subhadra's son was named Abhimanyu and he was born quite prior to Draupadi's daughter.

Thus, Draupadi and Subhadra pleasantly lived with their progeny and husbands.

Thus, Draupadi and Subhadra pleasantly lived with their progeny and husbands

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