Knowing Past.

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In her new home which was the palace, Draupadi was alloted one beautiful, vast chamber for herself where she would now live. Draupadi and Dhristadyumna started happily residing in their new home and gave their parents only happiness. While Dhristadyumna would go on military campaigns, Draupadi would learn to draw and paint and write poetry. Draupadi was finally well acquainted with fine arts and poetry. When she requested her father, to let her learn defence skills, he readily said yes to her. Thus, she started to learn how to wield swords, spears, maces and other weapons from her brother Dhristadyumna.

Shikhandi would say to Draupadi "You are lucky to be in Panchal dear Yagnaseni. Panchal kingdom never differentiates between women and men. In Panchal all men and women are given the same status. That is why Pitashri allowed you to learn defence techniques from brother Dhristadyumna. Many kingdoms do not allow their princesses to learn what they want." Draupadi was truly shocked that all kings were not quite liberal as her father. She thanked God for sending her in home of Drupad.

"Why is Pitashri angry on Dronacharya? What did he do to Pitashri?" she asked one day to Shikhandi

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"Why is Pitashri angry on Dronacharya? What did he do to Pitashri?" she asked one day to Shikhandi. Shikhandi, with a sigh started telling "Oh Draupadi! You do not know the saga of revenge that started between our father, the valiant Drupad, and the wise Dronacharya. They were in the same gurukul when they were kids. They promised each other to forever remember one another and help each other whenever needed. Later that wise Drupad, becomes the king of Panchal while Dronacharya, becomes poor. His son did not have even milk to sip. That is why he came to Panchal to father, requesting him to help him out which the king did not listen. Our father, angrily said he did not know Dronacharya. Getting himself insulted, that valiant Dronacharya, finally chanced upon Bhishma Pitamah of Hastinapur who alloted him the task of teaching archery and use of weapons to princes of Hastinapur known as Kauravas and Pandavas. Then with the help of his students, he came to challenge our father. The Kauravas could not win with our father, but there was one warrior named Arjun from Pandavas, who won with our army and our  father. Then Dronacharya, respecting his once upon a time friendship with our father, released him but demanded half of his kingdom. Therefore, we only have half of our kingdom now, out of which the capital is our Kampilya. That is why our father, to seek revenge from Dronacharya, tried pleasing the gods and finally got brother Dhristadyumna. You are one unexpected gift from God to us."

Draupadi thought "So my brother is born only to take revenge from Dronacharya? Does my brother not have his own life to live and learn? Why does he have to live for fulfilling some one's wish of revenge? My father, was definitely wrong to not help...

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Draupadi thought "So my brother is born only to take revenge from Dronacharya? Does my brother not have his own life to live and learn? Why does he have to live for fulfilling some one's wish of revenge? My father, was definitely wrong to not help Dronacharya. Am I also born to fulfill such type of my father's wishes? No. I would not seek revenge from any one." Draupadi had decided to live her life according to her own terms and not as per her father. These views of Draupadi depicted how strong-willed she was.

Draupadi had special respect for her mother, Queen Prishati. She was not her real mother, but was not less than Draupadi's real mother. Prishati was truly kind and helpful towards Draupadi and Dhristadyumna. She was devoted to her husband Drupad. She also advised Draupadi to forever support her husband however he may be and correct him when he was incorrect. Thus, Draupadi inculcated virtues of her mother, but her destiny had decided to not let her stay quiet and be forever peace loving. She had to see many tough days in her future, some thing which was unknown to her determination and her dreams.

 She had to see many tough days in her future, some thing which was unknown to her determination and her dreams

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