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Duryodhan had kept his spy in Panchal to check what was the truth of that Brahmana who had capability to win with all of them. The spy quickly went to Hastinapur to narrate the truth to Duryodhan. When Duryodhan listened to this news, he fumed with anger and shouted "How come  Pandavas managed to stay alive despite of me telling idiot  Purochan to burn them with Mata Kunti in the lac house? That Purochan's stupidity and carelessness has aided Pandavas to stay alive and now they have won the loyalty of Panchal due to Arjun winning Draupadi?" Duryodhan's cunning brother Dusshasan tried to calm him with words against the Pandavas. "Arjun would have never succeeded if he had not come in disguise of one Brahmana. Those Pandavas are liers as they said they are Brahmanas. Karna would have won with Arjun but he stopped thus, respecting one Brahmana." Karna fumed in anger as Arjun was near to winning with him in that war of Panchal. "We must do something about this matter, or else those Pandavas will ruin us", said Duryodhan. He went to mansion of Dhritarashtra, his father, who was sitting with Vidur the prime minister.

"Pranipaat Pitashri! said Duryodhan. Meanwhile, Vidur got up from his seat as he had to do some work. As Vidur went from there that evil Duryodhan said "Do you know that the Brahmana who won Draupadi in Panchal was none other than Arjun? He escaped alive from Varnavat. He came disguised as one Brahmana with his brothers and won Draupadi. Now all 5 men have married Yagnaseni." Dhritarashtra said "Oh my! I never knew this. So the sons of Pandu are alive and well, are they not? I'm pleased that they are well. They are also like my sons and I was worried whether they had truly perished. You must go to receive them in Hastinapur with Draupadi. She is the Kul Vadhu of Hastinapur." Hearing his father, Duryodhan fumed with anger and said "Are you not worried about our kingdom father? Those Pandavas would try to install Yudhisthir as the king of Hastinapur and those Pandavas would then torment your dear sons Oh Pitashri! We must do something about them." This time, Dhritarashtra thought for 5 minutes and said "You are correct my son. Those Pandavas will not let you sit on Hastinapur's royal throne. We must do something about this." Duryodhan started suggesting methods to destroy the unity of Pandavas.

"I think we must try and instigate Draupadi against her husbands which will definitely destroy their unity or to lure the Pandavas, we can send some beautiful women to them as they will definitely crave for those women thus, instigating Draupadi against them. We can also offer some money to Draupadi's father, Drupad. We will tell him not to support Pandavas and his Yagnaseni."

Karna did not seem to like this idea. "You are wrong here friend", he said to Duryodhan. Draupadi can be never instigated against Pandavas. She was staying with them happily when they were disguised as Brahmanas, why would she leave them when they are rich now? Besides that, her father, the king of Panchal, would forever be loyal to Pandavas as he personally likes them as his son-in-laws. These ideas won't work with Pandavas whose actions I know very well. Hearing Karna's words Duryodhan said "You tell me, what must we do then Karna?"

"I think we must discuss about this with Bhishma Pitamah and Guru Dronacharya." As Karna had suggested, Dhritarashtra called Bhishma and Dronacharya. After they came to know that Pandavas were alive they became pleased as they were close to them. Bhishma said to Dhritarashtra, "Now you must stop this quarrel between Kauravas and Pandavas. Oh Dhritarashtra! You must act according to rules of Dharma. You must give half of your kingdom to Pandavas and half of your kingdom to Kauravas. This will end rivalry between Pandavas and their cousins." Listening to Bhishma, Dhritarashtra felt he was correct as if he did not give the Pandavas his kingdom then they could even wage one war upon them. Dronachary also supported Bhishmah Pitamah. Finally Dhritarashtra decided to give one piece of land with forests called Khandavprastha. Duryodhan did not like this idea of sharing his kingdom with Pandavas, but he kept quiet because Khandavprastha was one forested area. Lord Indra himself guarded Khandavprastha and no one could burn those trees in Khandavprastha. Karna also supported this decision. Thus, Dhritarashtra sent one royal message with Vidur to Panchal which said that all Pandavas with Draupadi can come to Hastinapur and take their part of kingdom. Vidur went to Panchal to give this message to Pandavas.

Vidur finally reached Panchal in one day.

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