Kichaka's Vadh.

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"Oh Ballava! Save your Panchali" she said and fell near Ballava's feet.

"W...What happened Panchali? Why are you weeping? Has some one said something to you my beloved wife?" he asked her.

Panchali was weeping and sobbing while Ballava was caressing her.

Ballava led her to her alloted chamber and made her to sit upon her bed. "Yagnaseni, tell me what happened. How will I come to know your problem if you do not say anything?"

Draupadi said to him while she was sobbing "Brother of Sudeshna, that Kichaka tried molesting me. He gave me  one kick infront of King Virat and Kanka but Kanka refrained from helping me as he thought that our disguised secrets would be out. Kichaka has ordered me to come and meet him the next day. What do I do now?"

Ballava fumed with anger after listening to Draupadi. "Kichaka tried molesting my Draupadi? I will slay that Kichaka" he shouted and then asked Draupadi to leave for her chamber now.

Sairandhri went to her chamber with hope that she would be rescued from Kichaka the next day.

Ballava had made one plan. He would put clothes of Draupadi and go to Kichaka's chamber and slay him. As planned via him he went to Kichaka's chamber where Kichaka was lying after drinking. When he saw one woman with her veil, he thought Draupadi had come. "Oh Sairandhri come to me."

That woman went near him. He uplifted her veil to see how beautiful she had come. He was surprised. He saw Ballava the chef. He shouted "Why have you come here in the garb of one woman Oh Ballava?" Ballava laughed and said "To slay you Kichaka! You humiliated my wife Draupadi. Come near me and I will slay you. You will get the fruit of your actions."

Angry Kichaka moved towards Vrikodara to slay him but Ballava resisted him with ease and gave him one kick. Kichaka fell upon the bed. Both of them were combating and finally Vrikodara was able to slay him. Slaying Kichaka was necessary for Draupadi's self respect and her wish. Draupadi was pleased when she came to know about what Ballava had done only due to her one wish. She gave one hug to her Ballava and expressed her happiness. Meanwhile, one of the maids of Sudeshna saw that Kichaka was lying upon his bed and he was lifeless.

That maid went to Sudeshna and told what she saw. All of the maids and the queen along with the king listened to the news. Sudeshna was sad and shouted "Who was able to slay my brother who was mightiest of our warriors?" She was sad for her brother as she loved him. Virat thought who could do this thing? When Kanka came to know about this, he knew that none other than Ballava could slay Kichaka due to Panchali. He confirmed this with Draupadi. Only for Draupadi, Ballava had been able to slay him. "We need to be careful Draupadi, we can't stay quiet now. When Duryodhan comes to know about this, he will realise that Vrikodara only would have been able to slay Kichaka and none of the other persons of Aryavarta. Let us tell the truth to Virat and seek his help to hide our truth now. Or else we will have to be in 13 years in forests once more." Ballava and their loved Panchali was listening to his word.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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