Draupadi's Son Prativindhya.

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Draupadi lived pleasantly with Pandavas and Mata Kunti in Indraprastha. Citizens of Indraprastha lived happily under rule of Yudhisthir and Draupadi. With time, Pandavas gave one responsibility to Draupadi to take care of their finances. She handled financial matters well. She used to feed many Brahmanas each day and do some charitable acts as well. She pressed Kunti's feet when she was tired or sleeping. She tried to love each Pandava equally and was forever loyal to them which made her their beloved wife and most loved queen of Indraprastha.

Her year with Yudhisthir had not come to one end. She had lived in Indraprastha happily for two years from the time she was made queen of Indraprastha. One day, some Brahmanas came to ask help from Arjun in night time. "Why have you come here this hour of the night Brahmanas?" Arjun asked them. Those Brahmanas said that some robbers had taken away their cows via deceit. Arjun made one promise to help them. But he remembered that he had kept his weapons into chamber of Draupadi, where she was sitting with Yudhisthir and both were playing dice with fun. There was one rule between them. Draupadi would live with one brother for one year and if some other Pandava saw her in night time with any of his other brother then for 12 years he would be exiled. Arjun was in one dilemma. But he finally decided that helping those Brahmanas was more important. He went into Draupadi's chamber surprising Yudhisthir and her who were playing happily with fun. "Forgive me Bhrata, I have come to take my weapons from here as some robbers have taken away cows of Brahmanas. I need to catch those evil robbers." "Yes you may take your weapons Arjun! No need to ask me", said Yudhisthir to him.Arjun went out of their chamber with his weapons and came back the next day. He had managed to catch those robbers and take them to dungeon of Indraprastha. Yudhisthir came and praised him very much. "We are proud of you Bhrata", Nakul and Sahadev said and Vrikodara nodded. Draupadi was proud of her husband Arjun as he had rescued cows of Brahmanas. But Arjun was not that pleased that day because he was going to be exiled. "Jyestha, I need your permission to go to forests for 12 years from now. The rule between us said that when any of us would see our wife Draupadi with some other Pandava then that man would be exiled. I have seen Jyestha with Draupadi in their chamber therefore, I must be now exiled." "No dear Arjun! Do not leave us and go to the forests. This rule was valid more for me as if the Jyestha had seen his younger brother with his wife, then he would be exiled. You are younger to me therefore, there is no problem if you come into my chamber when I'm with Draupadi" Yudhisthir tried to prevent Arjun from going to his pilgrimage and in forest. "Do not stop me Jyestha Bhrata, as rules are rules and I have to abide to them. Take care of Draupadi when I'm away. Take care my dear brothers. Get my chariot ready as I will be leaving now" Arjun said to them.

Yudhisthir knew that Arjun would not listen. His brother would abide to all rules loyally and devotedly. Mata Kunti was truly sad. All Pandavas gave one hug to Arjun once. Arjun knew that his Draupadi was sad. He saw tears in her lotus eyes and she was not talking any thing to him. He wiped her tears and said "Do not cry beloved one. I would come back after 12 years pilgrimage and then unite with you. Stay with Yudhisthir and love pleasantly with all of my brothers. Take care of my Mata. Indraorastha needs you. Take care of your self." She tried to show that she was not weeping but when Arjun went upon his chariot to the forest, she cried for one hour expressing her sadness upon this issue of her husband going away from her. All Pandavas knew how sad she was therefore they did not disturb her for some time. She finally decided to live happily with his memories, as he had told her and would take care of all his brothers and his Mata according to his wish. She came out of her chamber after some time and started with her duties. Mata Kunti was pleased that finally Draupadi was not weeping and was not that sad. Her husbands also would try to make her more pleased each day so that she must not miss Arjun when he was not there in Indraprastha.

One day, Draupadi was not feeling well and therefore she was lying upon her bed. Mata Kunti came to know that Draupadi was sick and she came to her chamber with Vaidya. "Is Draupadi fine?", she asked that Vaidya. That Vaidya, who was smiling now, said "You are going to be one grandmother. Our queen is pregnant with her first son Oh Queen Mother." Kunti's happiness knew no bounds. She gave ample money to that Vaidya, then sent one message to her sons about Draupadi. The Pandavas were pleased to know that Draupadi was pregnant. They came running in her chamber with sweets. "Yudhisthir will be one father", Kunti said pleasantly to them. "Congrats Jyestha" Nakul and Sahadev said while they were hugging him. Vrikodara was pleased for Draupadi. "We have to take special care of Draupadi", said Bheema. He was more concerned for Draupadi and her cravings. "Arjun would have loved to hear this news if he was here", Draupadi remembered Arjun that day. Pandavas also were missing Arjun as he would be most pleased upon hearing this news. There were celebrations in Indraprastha.

Meanwhile, that valiant Arjun travelled through many delightful provinces and saw various rivers, forested places, seas and ponds and lakes which were beautiful. Nine months went and thus, one day, Draupadi's son was born only to give happiness to Yudhisthir and his brothers. "Our baby has eyes exactly like you Arya", Draupadi told Yudhisthir lovingly. She was sweetly playing with her newly born while lying upon her bed. "Yes Draupadi, he is cute", Yudhisthir said while she was blushing. "My dear grandson!" Kunti said and started playing with him.

"You must take some rest Draupadi" Nakul said to her. "We will play with our dear nephew", Sahadev said and laughed and along with him, others smiled. Now Draupadi was Mata of one son. Next day, that child was named as Prativindhya. Thus, many years went for Draupadi's stay with her husbands. Through all these years 3 more sons were born to her. Her son with Vrikodara was named Sutasoma, her son with Nakul was Satanika, and her son with Sahadev was Shrutasen. Arjun's nine years were completed. He finally reached Ganga river and engaged in prayer.

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