Sairandhri and Sudeshna.

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The Pandavas were nearing end of their Agyatvaas and Duryodhan was searching them in all kingdoms to catch them. Pandavas had disguised themselves quite well in Matsyadesh where they were working for the pious king Virat and Sudeshna.

One day, Sairandhri was sitting in some fresh air once her duty was completed.

Sudeshna's brother Kichaka was going through those gardens when he chanced to see Sairandhri sitting peacefully with her veil uplifted. He was mad when his  eyes saw the most beautiful woman of Aryavarta. Draupadi was not aware that he had seen her.

Kichaka ran to Rani Sudeshna. "I want to talk to you didi", he said to her. Sudeshna asked him "Bhraata, what happened?" Kichaka asked her "Who is that young woman who is sitting in our royal gardens? I'm mesmerised with her beautiful face and her body poise."

Sudeshna told him "The one whom you have seen must be Sairandhri who is my new hair dresser. She does not seek men near her and she had told that to me from the time she was working."

Kichaka was lustful towards Draupadi. "Fulfill only one wish of mine didi Sudeshna" he said to her. "Do send that Sairandhri to my chamber today with wine. I wish to meet her and make her mine."

Sudeshna was in one dilemma as she had made promise to Sairandhri that she will not send her to any men from their mansion and her brother was not listening to her. She thought for some time, tried to explain Kichaka not to ask her this thing but finally when he was not listening, she said yes to his wish. She went to the royal gardens near Draupadi.

"Oh Sairandhri! My brother Kichaka wants you to get one cup of wine for him. Will you give wine to him in his chamber? No other maid is quite free now and my brother does not like to wait", Sudeshna said to Draupadi.

Draupadi thought something was not correct here as she had not thought that Kichaka would only want wine from her.

"Maharani Sudeshna! But I had told that I do not show my face to any man" Panchali tried to explain Sudeshna.

"Maharani Sudeshna! But I had told that I do not show my face to any man" Panchali tried to explain Sudeshna

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"Do not worry about that. My brother only wants you serving him one cup of fresh wine. We do not disobey him in Matsyadesh as he is very important to us in our army", Sudeshna said to Draupadi.

Sudeshna was not listening to Draupadi's pleas therefore she decided to finally go and give one cup of wine to Kichaka who was waiting for her.

Kichaka's chamber was half lit with lamps and he was lying upon his soft silk bed. Sairandhri knocked his door and said "I have brought wine for you as per order of Rani Sudeshna. I'm keeping this cup of wine near your bed. Allow me now to leave". Kichaka saw towards her. Her face was veiled. He got up from his bed and started walking towards her.

"Would you not hand that cup of water to me? Come in my chamber Sairandhri! Do not stay out and talk to me."

Draupadi hesitantly came in his chamber and gave his cup to him. He had taken three sips of wine, when he kept his cup and started pulling Sairandhri close to him upon his bed.

"Do not do this Kichaka! What are you up to? Do not touch me and anger wrath of all gods", Draupadi gave one warning to him and screamed

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"Do not do this Kichaka! What are you up to? Do not touch me and anger wrath of all gods", Draupadi gave one warning to him and screamed.

"Get close to me Sairandhri! I love you dear lady. I want one night with you and later I will marry you. Lay upon my bed Oh beautiful woman! I want to view your full body and your features. Come near me. Do not go to any one wasting your time", Kichaka said  while Draupadi's eyes were dripping of tears as she had never thought this would occur again with her.

The incidence of Dusshasan dragging her and insulting her flashed infront of her mind. She cried out for help from all maids and Sudeshna.

She gave one push to Kichaka and ran towards the court of King Virat where Virat and Kank were playing dice together.

"Oh king Virat! Save me from this Kichaka! He tried to touch me and take my self respect from me", that pious lady Draupadi was begging him to help her. Virat was shocked to hear this and Kank could not believe his eyes when he saw Sairandhri weeping once again like she had cried in Kurusabha. He was wanting to slap and kick Kichaka but as he had disguised as some one, he could not say any thing to save Draupadi from Kichaka. Virat was not ready to say any thing to Kichaka as he was important to his army.

Kichaka came to Virat's court and saw Sairandhri who was begging Virat to save her. He angrily went near her and gave her one kick. She fell down and he commanded her "Tomorrow I want you in my chamber or I will slay you woman!" He stormed into his chamber while Draupadi lay there weeping and cursing her sad fate. "Why did no man come to save me today? Why did Kanka stay quiet?" she thought and started lamenting. Virat told her that he could not say any thing against Kichaka as without his force they could not win any wars. After telling her this, he went to his chamber to meet Sydeshna.

Draupadi lay there weeping and staring towards Kanka as he had not come to save her. "Why do you never save Draupadi from getting humiliated? Why are you not showing your prowess Oh Arya?", she questioned him. "Forgive me Panchali. I can't help you now. If we help you, our identities would be revealed. That is why I did not way any thing against that sly and angry Kichaka. Once this Agyatvaas is completed, I will give him punishment", Yudhisthir said to her.

"Can you do something about tomorrow? He will exploit my body if you do not help me. Whom will I seek help from?", she cried cursing fate.

Yudhisthir said "I will be unable to save you, you must think of something to save your self dear Draupadi. Do not come out from your chamber tomorrow, thus preventing meeting Kichaka. Or say that you are not well."

He went from there leaving Sairandhri alone for her to strengthen her mind.

He went from there leaving Sairandhri alone for her to strengthen her mind

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