Sri Krishna to save his dear Draupadi!

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Evil Dusshasan kept pulling Panchali's garment but was unaware that Lord Krishna is immortal. Through maya, Lord Krishna made himself invisible. As Dusshasan kept pulling Draupadi's garments, new garments of different hues were created which shielded Draupadi. Dusshasan kept pulling and using his energy, but couldn't take Draupadi's self respect from her. Duryodhan and those Kauravas kept staring shocked towards their brother Dusshasan who had exhausted all his energy. He finally fell upon the bare ground. The ministers and elderly people, clapped and praised Draupadi's devotion. Lord Krishna had rescued his dear friend. Draupadi exclaimed, "Oh Krishna! You have rescued your devotee from this evil man. While Yudhisthir and his brothers did nothing to help me, only you came to save me and thus, you are my saviour Krishna!"

She made some prayers to her Lord who had rescued her and then angrily said to Dhritarashtra "Turning ignorant towards your evil sons you have depicted your ignorance Oh Dhritarashtra! I have been humiliated in this assembly

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She made some prayers to her Lord who had rescued her and then angrily said to Dhritarashtra "Turning ignorant towards your evil sons you have depicted your ignorance Oh Dhritarashtra! I have been humiliated in this assembly. If Krishna had not rescued me, Dusshasan would have stripped me of my clothing. Vrikodara, who could not see this, shouted "Today I promise Oh King Dhritarastra! Once we get our kingdom back I would not keep quiet upon this humiliation. There will be war and I will slay all your sons specially Dusshasan and Duryodhan." "And I will slay that Karna as he called Draupadi as unchaste and not fit to be our queen" Arjun said angrily infront of that assembly which was now fearful of their promise to the assembly.

Draupadi shouted "Oh Dhritarashtra! Your race has done this sin Oh ignorant king, therefore I, Yagnaseni Draupadi, curse you that............

"Oh noble lady, do not do this to us." Dhritarashtra had pleaded her. "Do not curse us Draupadi, you are Kul vadhu of Kurus and our pride Oh wise lady. Do not curse my dear sins and get us misfortune forever Oh respected one. I'm begging you Draupadi, have mercy upon this old man and my old wife." Dhritarashtra pleaded to her. She did not say any thing to him. Her silence made Dhritarashtra desperate. "Ask for any thing Oh noble Draupadi" Dhritarashtra said to her. "Do not have mercy upon this Draupadi Oh Pitashri!" Duryodhan tried to stop his father. "You ignorant Duryodhan, shut up now. You have brought us to this level today and you are the one who has tried to ruin our reputation as well. Let me do what I'm up to", commanded Dhritarashtra. Shakuni gave his evil grin. He was pleased that Duryodhan was marking end of his own race.

"Ask any thing from me Draupadi and I will grant that", Dhritarasthra pleaded again to her. Draupadi was wise and witty woman who forever tried to save her husbands. "May my husbands be free from bondage of Duryodhan. May Duryodhan give back our kingdom to us." She had tried to save those husbands who had not rescued her. The Pandavas were proud of Panchali, but remorseful because they could be of no use to their wife. "Granted Panchali, your wish is granted for sure", Dhritarashtra said to her. "You can't do this to us Pitashri! According to Dharma, Pandavas have not won, I have won with them. Their kingdom is mine now. You have granted her wish, but as Yudhisthir is not the winner, I would like to make some modification to this wish. Those Pandavas, with their wife Panchali would have to live 12 years in forests and then one year in hiding. If I catch them in their 13th year, then let them live in forests for another 13 years as their punishment Oh Pitashri! If they managed to hide till end of their term, then I will give them their kingdom back which Yudhisthir can rule", Duryodhan said infront of those men.

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