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Pandavas said yes to idea of Duryodhan. Draupadi had rescued them from slavery and now they had no power to argue with Duryodhan. He had won Dyut game. Therefore, Pandavas had to abide to his instructions. Dhritarastra supported his son. Duryodhan, Shakuni and Karna were pleased because Yudhisthir had to go to forests for 13 years with his wife and brothers. Now only Duryodhan would rule. But Vidur and Bhishma knew that this would mark beginning of one war which would ruin all Kauravas. Draupadi and her husbands went back to Indraprastha. They had to leave for the forests now without carrying any of their treasures. When Kunti came to know of this incidence, she shouted upon her sons "Fie upon my sons who could not save their wife from those Kauravas. Know that Draupadi is dear to me than all of you. They were humiliating her and Dusshasan was about to disrobe her. If Krishna had not rescued her then how would Draupadi be today? You had to protect your wife Yudhisthir!" Listening to Kunti mata, all Pandavas remorsefully cried and touched her feet, requesting her to forgive them. "Oh Yudhisthir! You must ask Draupadi to forgive you. I'm sure she will take some time, but she will forgive you" Kunti said to her son.

Draupadi was weeping in her chamber which was not hers now. They were about to leave their property. She had not thought that those Kauravas would do this to one lady. Yudhisthir came to her chamber and close to her for requesting forgiveness. When she saw him, she exclaimed "You and your brothers are real cowards! You could not save your wife from Duryodhan. Is this how you do to your loved wife who cares for you forever? I will never forgive you. You have done this sin of not protecting your wife." Yudhisthir in remorse said "Forgive me if you can dear Panchali. I'm not worth your love because I could not save you and my brothers. They were humiliating you only because of my stupidity. This will be not easy for you dear Draupadi. But try to forgive me. I promise we will take revenge from those Kauravas who tried to disrobe you. Forgive me my dear Panchali!"

Her lotus eyes were moistened when Yudhisthir asked for her forgiveness. She was touched with his words but did not want to show him. She started packing some saffron hued clothes to carry along with her. She put saffron robes and some flowers as ornaments. Her hair parting had red vermillion and her eyes were lined with kohl. She touched Kunti's feet and asked for her blessings. "My dear Draupadi, I know you are sad and angry upon your husbands, but take care of your self dear and do not neglect your self due to your anger and sadness." Draupadi gave her one hug and said "Oh Mata, only you care for me. I love my husbands, but I can't forgive them for not protecting their wife. I will try to forgive them and support them but maybe I would not be able to love them how I did prior to Vastraharanam incidence." She was weeping and sharing her sadness with Kunti as she was like her Mata. Kunti knew that Draupadi would one day, forgive Yudhisthir and her other sons for their mistake and patch up with them. All Pandavas were also seeking blessings of their beloved Mata. They had put saffron robes like Draupadi. "Oh my beloved Pandavas, may you live happily in forests and then seek your kingdom back from those Kauravas", Kunti blessed them. Subhadra was weeping because Panchali was going away from her along with her Arya. "I will wait for you my Arya", she said to Arjun lovingly. "I will meet you once 13 years are completed my beloved Subhadra" Arjun said and gave her one hug of love.

Draupadi's sons came and touched her feet to take her blessings. She was weeping when she saw her sons near her. They had decided not to take their sons with them. They would live in Dwarka, with Krishna and Subhadra. "Be pleased and live with your Mata Subhadra" Draupadi told her sons who were now going to stay with Subhadra. "We will wait for you dear Mata", her sons said to her. "Do not go dear Mata", young Suthanu cried to Draupadi. Gulping her tears that noble Yagnaseni said "You can't come in those forests my dear girl." Draupadi gave one kiss to Suthanu and asked her to leave with Subhadra. Krishna reached Indraprastha with his chariot and came off his chariot near Pandavas. Prior to meeting Pandavas, he asked Yagnaseni how she was. She thanked him very much. "Thank you Krishna! If not for you, no one would have come to save me from disrobing."  "Do not say thank you my dear Panchali. My duty was to save you from those evil Kauravas. Stay safe in the forests and with your dear husbands. I will forever be there to protect you. Call me when you need me Panchali" said Dwarikadhish. Krishna was that man upon whom, Panchali could trust completely and he only had rescued her from those Kauravas. Krishna had come to take his sibling and Panchali's sons with Suthanu to his Dwarka. Abhimanyu, son of Subhadra, would also come to Dwarka. When Subhadra, Draupadi's sons and Suthanu and then Abhimanyu had mounted that chariot then they went to Dwarka. Kunti would stay with Mahamantri Vidur these 13 years as she was not willing to stay in mansion of Hastinapur with Gandhari. Mahamantri Vidur came with his chariot and asked Kunti to mount that. Yudhisthir and other Pandavas, along with Draupadi had taken his blessings. He was kind towards them. He had rescued them from Lakshagrih and had tried defending Yagnaseni in Kurusabha, but was not able to do.

When Kunti went with him, those Pandavas with Draupadi went towards some forests which were away from their Indraprastha.

They would pleasantly live in forests now.

They would pleasantly live in forests now

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