Draupadi Swayamwar.

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The dawn of the new day brought new hope for Draupadi. Today was her swayamwara day. Who would she get as her life partner? She thought all the time. She went to the temple. Praying to Lord Narayana, she pleaded "Oh Lord of three worlds! You know everything and everyone. I hope only Arjun comes for me. I wish to marry him Lord. Only you can help me now. I hope you have protected Arjun well. I do not believe on those rumours Oh Bhaktavatsala! I know you would protect me from wedding some evil soul."
Draupadi worshipped Sri Narayan and then proceeded to the mansion with her maid.

Prishati was waiting for her. She signalled some maids to lead Draupadi to the bath area where Draupadi was given cold turmeric paste to make her even more beautiful than she was. Draupadi put red robes and ornaments made of sapphires, diamonds, rubies, emeralds and other types of gems. She was seeming like that of Goddess Sri from heaven. She first touched the feet of her parents. Both of them were happily smiling and showing their happiness. Said Drupad, "I am pleased that I have you as my dear child." Draupadi had tears in her lotus eyes as she truly could not think of going away from her father.

" Draupadi had tears in her lotus eyes as she truly could not think of going away from her father

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Her brother Dhristadyumna said "I will miss you dear Draupadi. I truly hope you get one husband who will make you forever pleased." Draupadi gave one hug to brother Dhristadyumna. He was her dear brother. Shikhandi also blessed Draupadi with kind words and one close brotherly hug. "Wherever you live, stay happily," said Shikhandi. Draupadi was going to miss her parents and brothers. She did not like to go away from them but she knew she had to live with her husband as per tradition.

With her maids leading her to the royal arena of Panchal, Draupadi saw various kings and princes who had come only for wedding her. As they saw that beautiful lady decked in red and with ornaments, Kama, the god of love influenced them. Draupadi was given one seat besides her mother. King Drupada started welcoming those kings and princes who were sitting on their respective places. There was Duryodhan, Karna and all other 99 Kauravas. Lord Krishna from the Yadu clan was also present with some of the most known Yadus. His brother Balaram had come along with him. Shishupal, Rukmi and many other strong, valiant kings had come. Dhristadyumna had to introduce those kings to Draupadi and to Panchal. He said "These valiant kings and princes have come for archery contest which will be held five minutes from now. This contest will give the winning person, the gem of Panchal, our Princess Draupadi! For winning in the archery contest, one must go near the pole erected in the arena and with his gaze fixed to the reflection of the revolving fish, must hit the eye of the fish in the other direction. One who will pick up the bow of Lord Shiv and after stringing that bow, will hit the eye of the fish, will today win Yagnaseni."

The arena of kings and princes clapped in delight as they thought of winning that woman who was no less than one goddess. Draupadi saw that all kings of that arena only had lost in their eyes for achieving her. She noticed that only two men had no lust in their eyes but only respect for her. They were Balaram and Krishna. As Dhristadyumna read the names of all kings and princes he said "Now from Dwarka, we have here Sri Krishna and his brother Balaram with their son Pradyumna and the other Yadus from their clan. From Anga, we have valiant King Karna.............." Draupadi came to realise that Krishna was truly different from the other kings and so was his brother Balaram and his son Pradyumna. She thought "Krishna and Balaram are truly not like those kings who are torn with lust." Krishna saw towards Draupadi and with his eyes expressing friendliness and love, smiled. She smiled. She would love to talk to him.

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