Yudhisthir staking Draupadi.

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Yudhisthir greeted Dhritarashtra, Dronacharya, Vidur and Bhishma and sat upon his place waiting for Duryodhan. Duryodhan said "Samraat Yudhisthir! Thank you for respecting our message and blessing this assembly. Let us play this Dyut game and take pleasures".

Yudhisthir was reluctant. But he decided to play as he was himself fond of gambling. He sat with Duryodhan to play Dyut and Shakuni came forward to play from side of  Dudyodhan. Yudhisthir himself sat to play this game. To Pandavas, Yudhisthir was like their supreme god. Thus, inspite of not wanting to come, they had to come to show respect to him. The game started and both started to play. Yudhisthir had to first stake something dear to him. Yudhisthir said "I am staking quarter of my treasures in Indraprastha." Pandavas did not like this idea of staking quarter of their treasures. Shakuni was skilled in dice and was deceitful. He used foul means to win with Yudhisthir and then shouted pleasantly "I've won with you now Samraat Yudhisthir! Quarter of your treasures is of your brother Duryodhan now. You did not win Samraat", Shakuni said to him. Those brothers of Yudhisthir were horrified to see that quarter of their treasures was gone. But according to Dharma, Yudhisthir had promised his treasures and now he could not back out. "You have won quarter of my treasures", Yudhisthir said to Duryodhan. Dhritarashtra did not want this game initially, but he decided to let them play this game and win some of  treasures of Pandavas.

Yudhisthir kept playing with Shakuni who with his trick and foul means won each time with that monarch who had been staking his treasures. Yudhisthir's kingdom and his treasures were of Duryodhan now. That whole assembly was chaotic now and men were discussing among themselves how could Yudhisthir do this to himself and his kinsmen who trusted upon him. "I've won again Samraat Yudhisthir!" Shakuni said and laughed towards him. Yudhisthir was remorseful as he had been staking his treasures, his kingdom and his gold in this game of dice from which he was wanting to quit, but could not quit. His kingdom and treasures were now gone to Duryodhan, who was now smiling and laughing. Arjun said to his brother Yudhisthir "Why are you not leaving this game of dice dear Jyestha? Why do you do this act which will plunder you?" Yudhisthir said "I know Arjun but I can't leave this game now as I've started to play with Duryodhan and Shakuni". Arjun was frightened for Samraat Yudhisthir with his brothers as Shakuni was using foul means and had won with him many times thus, achieving his treasures.

"Samraat Yudhisthir! What are you staking now? Your treasures and kingdom are of Duryodhan", Shakuni said to him. "I have nothing for staking Oh mamashri!" Yudhisthir told him. "You do have your possessions. Are your dear brothers not your possessions?" Shakuni asked with his evil grin. All those Pandavas were shocked to hear this from him. "Yes Mamashri! I'm staking Nakul who is most beloved brother of mine." "Why are you staking your own brother?", Vrikodara asked due to this act of him. But Yudhisthir had nothing for staking therefore he was using his brothers. He was busy in that Dyut game. His wife Draupadi did not know that Duryodhan had won her kingdom and her treasures. If she had known then she would have been displeased upon all of her husbands. Shakuni after rolling his dice proclaimed "I won again Samraat Yudhisthir! " Yudhisthir was sad because Nakul was now of Duryodhan. But he was not ready to hear his brothers. He decided that he will win the next game and then get Nakul back to his authority. "I'm staking brother Sahadev this time in this dice game", Yudhisthir said and again Shakuni won. Kauravas made fun of Yudhisthir for his stupidity and praised their uncle Shakuni who had managed to win. Yudhisthir was staking his brothers to win this game, but finally Shakuni won the game and all his brothers were now Kauravas' slaves. Karna who was forever wishing best for Duryodhan, made fun of those Pandavas.  "Now what are you staking Oh Yudhisthir? You have been staking all your dear ones and they are ours now. You only have your self to put upon stake" Duryodhan said to him. Yudhisthir gambled himself this time. His fortune was not helping him that particular day. He gambled himself and Shakuni won with him again thus, turning him and his brothers, their servants.

"Who are you staking now Oh Yudhisthir?" asked Duryodhan. "I do not have any thing dear to me now as you have won me and I have gambled all those who were dear to me", Yudhisthir replied to him. "No Yudhisthir! You have one woman who is dear to you, Your wife Draupadi!" Karna shouted in that assembly. All those Pandavas said in union "Do not do this brother! Do not go for staking our dear Yagnaseni". But Yudhisthir was not listening that day.  "I have nothing for staking but my beloved Panchali. I'm staking my Queen Draupadi" he said to them. Shakuni laughed and started rolling his dice again inorder to win. Much to Yudhisthir's bad luck, Shakuni won and shouted "Now Duryodhan possesses Draupadi and not you" with Duryodhan clapping and Karna laughing. Vidur angrily said to Dhritarashtra "Why do you allow their wife to humiliated thus Oh brother? Why is she dragged into this game?" Dhritarashtra had not liked act of his son but he did not want to say any thing against his son. "Yudhisthir only was staking his dear ones and when my sons have won, their dear ones are now under my Duryodhan", he was defending his sons and telling Vidur that he must shut up.

"Go and get their wife here in this assembly" that evil Duryodhan said to Pratikamin who was one Suta and was working for Dhritarashtra. Pratikamin went to chamber of Draupadi and said "Oh Draupadi, Duryodhan had won your husbands and you in the game of dice thus, you are his slave!" Draupadi was angry after listening that Yudhisthir had been staking his dear ones. "Ask that Yudhisthir Oh Pratikamin! With whose permission was he staking me when he had gambled himself first?" Pratikamin went to Kurusabha, telling this infront of Duryodhan. Yudhisthir did not know how to reply to Draupadi. Bhishma got up from his seat and shouted "Oh vile Duryodhan, you do not know power of Pandavas. You have won due to foul means and Draupadi does not deserve to be your slave!" Shakuni said "Gangaputra Bhishma! You are defending Draupadi that it's her wish whether to come to this assembly, or not. Had you asked for Ambikaa and Ambalika's view when you forcefully told them to marry your brother? What about that revered Bhishma? You can't be defending Draupadi this particular situation". Bhishma was quietened as he had no say into this. He had not respected views of those Kashi princesses for sake of his brother Vichitravirya. How could say any thing to save Draupadi now? "Why did you do this Oh brother? You have time to save our wife. Let us save her from these foxes" Arjun angrily said to Yudhisthir who inturn said "We can't do that Arjun as according to rules that Duryodhan has won this Dyut game." Vrikodara fumed in anger as he did not like what his Yudhisthir had done to them. 

Duryodhan shouted "If that Draupadi has questions to ask then let her come in this assembly, ask those questions and see her husbands. Ask her to come here Oh Pratikamin!" Pratikamin went to her chamber and said "You are now Kauravas' slave! Duryodhan has ordered you to come to Kurusabha." Draupadi was angry due to Yudhisthir's act. "I will not come to that Kurusabha of men!" she angrily said to him. He went and told her words to Duryodhan. "Draupadi will not hear my words until she is brought here through force Oh Pratikamin! My brother Dusshasan will be perfect to get that woman here", Duryodhan shouted with anger to Dusshasan. Vile Dusshasan was lustful towards women and he was waiting for this. He stormed towards Draupadi's chamber where she was sitting and waiting for reply from Yudhisthir for some of her questions.

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