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Pandavas happily lived in Hastinapur for 3 days with Kunti and Draupadi. Then one day, Dhritarashtra called Pandavas to discuss about their share of kingdom. He said "My dear Pandavas, this is the time to give you your share of property. I've decided to give you Khandavprastha as your property. You can do any thing there as you wish as your cousins would never interfere with that." The Pandavas knew that Khandavprastha was one forested place which Lord Indra guarded and Nagas lived there with many other creatures and some asuras. But that kind Yudhisthir did not say any thing against his uncle Dhritarashtra.  They proceeded for Khandavprastha forests but insisted Draupadi and Kunti to wait in Hastinapur until Khandavprastha trees were cut and the forested area was cleaned to make place for them. Arjun sent one request to Krishna for help in this difficult work. Krishna came upon his chariot to Khandavprastha from his Dwarka. Through power of Shyamsundara, they came to know that Lord Agni had the wish to consume the Khandavprastha forests to satisfy hunger. Therefore upon viewing Lord Krishna with Arjun that Agni came infront of Krishna and made one request to him. That request was to some how burn the Khandavprastha forest. Arjun did penance and pleased his father, Lord Indra of heaven. Lord Indra gave him permission to carry out his mission and blessed him after he came to know that Lord Narayan incarnate Krishna was helping his dear son. Finally they set fire to whole of Khandavprastha. Those forests were burning for many days and finally one day, they were completely burned. That area was cleaned and its cruel creatures like danavas perished. Only one asura came to shelter of Arjun and Krishna and finally surrendered. They decided that they would not slay him. That asura was named Maya. He was one fantastic architect. He made a promise that he would make one beautiful palatial mansion for Pandavas which would have facilities and magical items for Pandavas to happily live.

Thus, that Maya asura constructed one beautiful mansion which has beautiful pillars embedded with gems and furnished chambers. Fountains decorated that mansion and there were many maids and other servants to do service to Draupadi and Pandavas. Maya asura had given Gandiva bow to Arjun and one conch to Bheema. Yudhisthir sent word to Draupadi to get Kunti along with her and come to Indraprastha. That would be her new home now. Draupadi happily came to Indraprastha with Kunti and was mesmerised with Indraprastha's beauty. "Do you like your new home dear Draupadi?" Arjun asked her. "Yes Arya. I loved this place very much. I will happily live in that place where my 5 husbands live." Arjun felt proud that he had won Draupadi as his wife. "As this is our kingdom definitely Jyestha must be the king", Nakul said pleasantly and others nodded. They were pleased that Yudhisthir will be their king. "And Draupadi will be queen of Indraprastha", Yudhisthir said lovingly. Draupadi blushed and went in her chamber to hide her happiness. She was about to be queen of Indraprastha.

Krishna was staying in Indraprastha with Pandavas

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Krishna was staying in Indraprastha with Pandavas. He used to help Arjun and other Pandavas when they would request him to come. Draupadi was pleased to stay with her husbands in Indraprastha. Besides she had the wish to explore Krishna as a person. She had thought him to be quite amusing and helpful but had never had a chat with him for some time. For some days in Indraprastha, she explored who Krishna truly was. His talks were quite mysterious and no one could understand them. Only his queen Rukmini would understand his talk.

One fine day, Draupadi was sitting with her husbands in the beautiful balcony of their palace. Krishna was sitting next to Arjun and Arjun was pressing his feet. "Would you mind if I'd say something to you Krishna? Draupadi asked him. He smiled. "Friends do not seek permission my dear Draupadi. Ask me what you want to ask" said Krishna. Draupadi asked "Why are your talks weird Krishna? My husbands also do not understand your talk. You are quite mysterious and you talk in riddles." Krishna laughed after hearing this. Yudhisthir had not expected her to ask kind of  these questions. "My wives also say the same that most of my talks are weird and mystical. I like to talk in riddles dear Draupadi. I'm like that from the time I was small" he said laughing. Arjun said "Oh Draupadi, Krishna is special for me and my brothers. He has been of help to us when our times were not nice. He never cheated us or never had selfishness like Kauravas. He is gem among people. To get him as one's ally is that man's luck." "Enough of this flattery Parth!" said Krishna and all of them including Draupadi started laughing. She knew that Krishna respected her very much and loved her as his friend in the same way as he loved Pandavas.

After some days in Indraprastha, the coronation ceremony of Yudhisthir as the king was held in the royal assembly of Indraprastha. Krishna himself put the crown on head of Yudhisthir and blessed him. Draupadi was dressed in red that day. She was mesmerising. Vrikodara went near her and said "You are no less than a goddess today my Draupadi", thus complimenting her. She was shy. She said "Thank you Arya". There was interruption in their love talk as Yudhisthir called her next to the throne. "You are beloved of Pandavas, you are Pandavapriya and fit to be our queen" he said infront of all his brothers, Krishna and Kunti mata. "Draupadi will be the perfect queen" Mata Kunti said and blessed her. She further said "I am pleased that all my sons have finally got back their prosperity and my son Yudhisthir is the king. May you all forever stay pleased and wise." Draupadi made one promise to her husbands that she would try to be the best queen of her citizens. Priests chanted some mantras and some religious ceremonies were carried out after which Krishna told the Pandavas that he would leave for Dwarka. "No, do not leave Krishna" Draupadi pleaded him. She loved his talks and did not want him to go back to Dwarka." "I know you will miss me but my kingdom needs me now sakhi" Krishna explained her. "We will also miss you Krishna! Hope you had lived here for some time more", said Arjun and his brothers. Krishna touched his aunt Kunti's feet for seeking her blessings and then mounted his chariot to leave for Dwarka.

Pandavas and Draupadi happily lived in Indraprastha. Such was Indraprastha's prosperity that many citizens from Hastinapur also shifted to Indraprastha thus, irritating Duryodhan. But he could not think of any vicious plan.

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