Krishna's Maharanis.

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One day, Sage Narad comes to Indraprastha. Yudhisthir himself came to welcome Devarshi. "Pranipaat, Oh Devarshi! Draupadi touched Narada's feet. She asked maids to get fresh water for Sage Narad and some other maids if hers started fanning him. The Pandavas, after seeking his blessings, sat upon their respective places. Devarshi was made to sit upon one beautiful seat of gold. "Thank you for this grand welcome respected Yudhisthir! Pandavas are lucky to have one gem with them, Draupadi! Any one can be pleased with her behaviour." "Our pleasure, dear Narad muni!", Yudhisthir said to him. As was tradition of that time, Draupadi went into her chamber as to not disturb her men and Devarshi. Sage Narad said "I have come to your Indraprastha for one special purpose Oh Yudhisthir! You only are most wise and virtuous, loyal and dedicated and one visionary among kings of Aryavarta. Why do you not conduct the great Rajasuya yagna? This yagna will get  your kingdom fame and name. You and your brothers will be strongest power of Aryavarta. You will be the Emperor and Draupadi would be Empress of not only Indraprastha, but of Aryavarta. All kings will pay taxes to you and will promise their loyalty to you. You must conduct this sacrifice." Listening to Narad muni, Arjun said "Yes Jyestha! You must conduct this yagna for ours and Draupadi's wellbeing." Yudhisthir was reluctant first but then he also thought that he must conduct this yagna for his rule of truthfulness. He decided to consult Krishna for Rajasuya. Sage Narad then went from Indraprastha to his abode in heaven.

He sent one word to Krishna and requested him to come to Indraprastha. He invited Krishna's maharanis as well for them to guide Draupadi. Krishna after reading Yudhisthir's request came upon his chariot and palanquins consisting of his maharanis. Yudhisthir came out himself to welcome Krishna along with Arjun and other Pandavas. Those beautiful maharanis of Krishna were alloted their own chambers. Draupadi was pleased to see Krishna's wives in Indraprastha. She told her maids to specially see to needs of Krishna's wives and herself greeted each one of those queens. That day, Krishna was engaged in leisure talks with Arjun and Yudhisthir. Vrikodara, Nakul and Sahadev sat with them, listening to Krishna's fun talk. Meanwhile, all maharanis of Krishna were sitting in Draupadi's chamber and discussing their life stories with her. Queen Rukmini who was chief queen of Dwarka, forever loyal to her Lord, said "You are truly very beautiful dear Draupadi. Krishna had told me how you were born from fire. You are special to our Krishna and therefore, you are special to me." Draupadi said "I'm blessed to meet you, who are beloved of Krishna my dear Queen Rukmini!" Krishna's other wives Satyabhama and Kalindi had also loved Draupadi's bold characteristics and her beauty. "Perhaps dear Draupadi, you are the only woman who has married five husbands who are all loyal and respectful towards you" Satyabhama praised her. Draupadi saw that all of Krishna's wives were kind and also selfless. She had the curiosity to know how Krishna had married them. "My dear queens, now that all of you know well about me, tell me something about yourself. How did Krishna marry you? I am curious to know your stories dear ones", she requested the queens. "Sure, we will be pleased to tell you our stories" Satyabhama said while she was smiling lovingly.

Rukmini said "I never had the wish to marry Shishupal, that king of Chedi who is cruel and arrogant. But my brother fixed my wedding with that Shishupal. I only loved Krishna and I wrote one letter, requesting him to save me from Shishupal and sent my message to kingdom of  Dwarka, with my trusted messenger, a Brahmana. When Krishna read my message he was touched and he came the next day, swiping me into his chariot infront of Shishupal and married me in Dwarka." Rukmini's wedding incidence was interesting.

Draupadi knew that Krishna would never let Rukmini marry evil kings like Shishupal. Rukmini was deserving only Krishna as her husband and no other king.

Then Satyabhama said "Krishna married me when he brought the Syamantaka gem back to my father, who had once doubted Krishna to be thief of that gem. My father, named Satrajit, asked Krishna to forgive him for his mistake and asked Krishna to marry me. Thus, I am Krishna's wife."

Draupadi saw confidence in Satyabhama's eyes exactly like her.

Jambavati said "Krishna married me prior to his royal wedding with Satyabhama devi as King Jambavan, my father, pleaded him to marry me and gave Syamantaka back to Krishna."

Nagnajiti and Kalindi along with Bhadra, Mitravinda and Lakshmana narrated to Yagnaseni, how their Lord had married them.

Draupadi felt that all maharanis of Krishna were like goddesses. They were transcendental. Krishna's maharanis also were pleased with Draupadi.

Next day, Krishna and Yudhisthir sat discussing how Pandavas can conduct Rajasuy yagna.

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